Forever and Always

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"So, what do you wanna be when you grow up?" The young boy asked, tracing his fingers through the sand.

"Hmm. I think I want to be a nurse. I can help save people's lives!" The girl replied enthusiastically. "What about you?"

The boy's dark hair swayed in the gentle breeze, the sun reflecting off his honey-colored skin. "I want to be a fighter for people I love and strangers alike. Maybe I'll join the army."

The girl pouted, her ocean blue eyes widening in worry. "You could get hurt, Caleb. I don't want you to die!" 

The male just chucked at her childish response. "Then come with me, Summer. You're my best friend, forever and alway! I don't wanna spend so much time away from you. You can be a nurse there and save hundreds of people. There's a chance you could even save me!"

Save him she did.

"Miss Compton! We have a patient with mild injuries in room 107! Can you take over?" A doctor walked quickly to the cafeteria, where I was enjoying my lunch break.

"Yes ma'am!" I replied, swiftly standing up from her previous resting place. The doctor smiled apologetically. "We know you've been trained for bigger operations, Summer, but we've run out of nurses for the smaller wounds."

"It doesn't matter how badly they're hurt. I'll help them no matter the cost." With those parting words, I rushed to room 107 to tend to my next patient.

"Hello Mrs. Woodson! I'll be healing those gashes on your leg as quickly as possible." I prompted as I readied my supplies. The patient today was a strong woman, around 30 years of age. "I'm glad there are ladies fighting out there now." I conversed as I got to work. "It's funny that the men seemed to get more injured then the girl soldiers do."

Mrs. Woodson nodded. "I haven't been fighting for women's rights all these years for nothing! We can be stronger then guys if we work hard enough."

It was clear that this patient had done exactly that. I was surprised when the soldier didn't even flinch when alcohol was rubbed on the wound. "I can tell you're a fighter." I smiled genuinely.

When I had finished my work, I decided to get some rest, for my shift was over. The beds in the army weren't the most comfortable and fancy ones out there, but no one complained. It was more than nothing. 

I laid silently in her bed, letting her thoughts wander. I soon found myself thinking of my closest friend, Caleb. The two of us had agreed to be a duo from the start, both had kept our dreams of becoming a nurse and a soldier. 

Times were dangerous during war, and I constantly worried for her friend. Every time we met up, I never knew if it would be the last.

At last, the void of sleep caught up with the me, restless nurse, pulling me into the abyss of dreams.


I woke with a start, the sun barely shinning above the horizon. What most likely got me up was the rapid knocking on the door. Shaking off any leftover tiredness, I darted over, turning the knob.

"Miss Compton!" The doctor from yesterday cried. "We need you in room 100, quickly!"

My eyes widened at the doctor's frantic state. This could only mean one thing. "How badly-"

He cut me off. "It's critical. We doubt he will survive for long, but this is our job." I could feel my heart pounding as we raced through the halls. This was not the sort of good morning I was hoping for.

The doctor flung open the door when we arrived, a little too loudly for my liking. The rescue team was surrounding the lone hospital bed, gently transporting the dying soldier. When they saw me, they nodded grimly and took off. 

"I hope you can save him, Miss Compton." With that, the doctor dashed away. I skidded to a sop i front of the bed. The soldier's wounds looked bad. Scratched and bruises covered his body, but the waterfall of blood pouring from his stomach looked the worst. Through the injuries, a familiar face grimaced in pain. It almost looked like-


Caleb was the dying soldier. Tears filled my vision, but I refused to let the realization distract me. He believed that I could save him and I would not let him down.

"Hold on, Caleb!" I cried. "I'll do whatever I can to save you!"

Numerous rolls of bandages, medicines, and stitches later, I'd done the best I could. Now all I could do was hope. It felt terrible being so useless.

I sat in the chair next to his bed, gently taking his scarred hand in mine. My cheeks were becoming more tear streaked by the minuet as I nervously eyed the heart monitor.

"Please, don't leave me." I whispered, intertwining my fingers with his. As if my words were magic, his eyes fluttered open. 

"S-Summer?" He asked weakly. My eyes widened in astonishment. 

"I'm here!" I sobbed, trying to wipe my tears with my sleeve. 

"I-I'm so sorry. I didn't w-want to leave you t-this soon, but I couldn't just-"

"You took a bullet for someone, didn't you." 

Caleb nodded wistfully. "I c-couldn't just let s-someone die." 

"You're a true hero, Caleb." I sniffled as he cupped my cheek in his palm. "I always knew that you had the potential to save the world. So you can't die... I-I can't lose you!" 

My friend's chocolate brown eyes glistened brightly despite his fatal injuries. A melancholy smile graced his lips as he squeezed my hand. "You won't lose me." His voice was clear. "I'll be right here." He took my hand, resting it over his beating heart. "No matter what."

I didn't speak, for my voice would most definitely break any moment. The sobbing noises were already enough. Instead, I leaned forward until out foreheads were touching.

I listened as his breathing gradually slowed, feeling helpless. "Summer." His voice was barely a whisper. "I love you..."

"...forever and always."

I opened my mouth to reply, but when I looked up... the heart monitor was flat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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