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The date is currently 2030. Just a year earlier was the beginning of the war. The war we've been dreading for decades. World War III is finally upon us, as if the small fights between countries were an omen to this manmade disaster. Yes, like I said, it's only been a year, but it has been filled with more bloodshed than the Civil War.

And it's only getting worse.

It's as if all traces of what once was human has been replaced by a hunger to win. A hunger to kill. I just want it all to end. Can't the world go back to what it was before? Is that too much to ask?

The answer is clear: Yes. Despite the pleas of the people, the governments haven't even blinked an eye at our protest. All they want is power, and they believe that power comes through domination, and domination comes from destruction of all who are against them. 

The daily lives of the poor citizens have turned from security and happiness, to survival. Most are too afraid to even leave their homes, and I don'y blame them. The world is a devastating place. At night, everyone turns off all their lights, put up blackouts, and block any available entrance with planks as if a hurricane were to strike.

Well, at least the people have some sense of safety. Others are left to wonder if they'll live another day. Those are mostly our soldiers. The bravest women and men out there. They're willing to risk all they have for the sake of our world. Although they're the ones doing the fighting, everyone knows that they're also the ones who pray for the war to end more than anyone. They don't want to die because some power-hungry, egotistical maniacs want to rule the universe. I'm aware that there are some chauvinists out there, but none compare to the bureaucracy who think they're the "Big Cheese".

However, in the darkness and hopelessness that eats on the souls of the survivors, there is a light. Yes, I know it may sound like a cliche line from a movie, but in all reality, it's true.

That one overused line, "Love will prevail." may just be true. Where would writers get the idea from if they hadn't seen it for themselves? Love is the only thing keeping us going through this war. If you don't believe me, I may just have a couple examples for you....

The Memories They Carriedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें