Erin's mouth was dry, her palms sweating, she swallowed carefully. "Why are you telling me this?"

"..." He stared at her in silence once again, seemingly contemplating something. "Did you tell your aunt about our upcoming trip?"

"Wha...?" Erin felt the blood drain from her face.

"If you haven't yet, make sure you do." He grinned maliciously. "She won't react well. She doesn't want you finding out the truth."

Nothing in this conversation was making sense. She shook her head and remained silent.

"Well, whether you tell her or not, you will go to Merion." He stood up, causing Erin to quietly sigh with relief as his gaze left her own.

"As your father and as a representative of our military, I will be traveling with your team. Of course, this will include meeting with Christopher and his family while we are in the country. He is your fiancé after all."

Despite the overwhelming fear she felt at his presence, a small flame of anger bloomed. "I'm not marrying him."

Her father frowned. "What did you say?"

At his intense stare, Erin felt enormous pressure and was having trouble breathing, but she still glared at him and responded loudly.

"I am not marrying that man."

"..." There was a moment of silence, followed by laughter.

General Roderick held his sides, shaking his head slowly as his amused appearance slowly faded.

"Engagement is sufficient for my purposes at this time. I have no need for you to actually marry him in the end, but the engagement must continue for now."

"I will not..."

"I have already compromised, child." His eyes were cold. "Do not push me further. Otherwise, you will not be the only one to suffer consequences. What's the name of that boy that follows you around?"

Erin's blood ran cold.

"Don't you dare..."

"Gerald, correct?"

A loud cracking sound resounded from the walls around them, but it was ignored.


He raised an eyebrow, unimpressed at her obvious anger. "Perhaps I should pay him a visit next?" Tapping his chin gently, he continue with a cruel smile. "I wonder if he'll remain as devoted to you once I start to tear him apart piece by piece."

"... enough." The tortured words escaped from her lips as a whisper.

The world around them tore apart as Erin snapped, her already tenuous control on her emotions slipping from her grasp. The walls and ceiling exploded outward, flames bursting from every pore of her skin. She could see nothing but flames, feel nothing but rage. She briefly noted the building falling apart around her, incinerating into ashes.

"Foolish." Her father walked forward, a sphere of wind protecting him from her magic, and reached out to grab her, lifting her in the air by the neck.

Feeling her air supply cutting off, she struggled briefly, but it was like striking against a mountain. She couldn't reach her amulet to tear it off, and restricted, she didn't have a chance.

"For all those years I was so disappointed. I thought you were soft, weak, like your mother." He looked at her still burning form. "But look at you now, bursting at the seams with power, although... artificially restricted? Is it that woman's work?" His eyes gleamed with interest. "Just how powerful are you?"

Restricted Magic - Arc 3Where stories live. Discover now