Part 3

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Erin's back collided violently against the wall, causing a spasm of pain throughout her entire body. She raised her head, glaring at the elderly headmaster who had pinned her there, his face serious.

"Let. Go." It was a whisper, but it reverberated around the room, the walls shaking with the sound.

Professor Wiltheim shook his head slowly, not relaxing the wind magic that was holding her against her will. "No. If I hadn't intervened just then, you would have killed that boy."

He gestured to her right hand, which still clutched a blade made from wind and fire.

From the moment Christopher had uttered the word "fiancé" not a full second had gone past before Erin had leapt forward towards him and been blown back against the wall instead. She struggled against the older man's spell, her hand desperately trying to reach the restricting artifact around her neck. If she broke the string, and regained her full powers, she could quickly free herself and kill the man in front of her.

Kill. Kill. Kill.

It resounded in her head, a never-ending chant. Her vision was tunneled, only seeing the prey in front of her.

He was the one who would have her dance to her father's instructions.

The tool that monster had used to hurt her.

The man who would try to take away Gerald's smile.

She had to kill him.

"Erin calm down."

She didn't hear him. She stopped struggling against the spell holding her to the wall, and decided to destroy the wall instead.

Cracks started forming along the student council meeting room walls, the ceiling crumbling and raining dust down on the occupants and the air in the room expanded, attempting to destroy everything. She was pushing past the limits of her magic, her ears ringing, blood dripping from her nose, but still she continued forward.

"Erin! Stop!" A familiar voice... Frederick? Shouted at her. But she couldn't see him, couldn't stop. Flames formed in the corners of the room, starting a slow advancement towards the center where Christopher stood. Large chunks of the wall behind her fell down, freeing one of her arms. Elated, she reached for her amulet.

"Get him out of here!" The headmaster shouted at Frederick, stepping between Erin and her target.

Erin grinned at the older man, tasting blood in her mouth. Had she bitten her tongue? The flames roared even higher, the desks and papers in the room were nothing but ashes. Her hand grasped the amulet, starting to pull it off

"Sorry." Professor Wiltheim whispered, leaping forward and placing his hand on her head.

She snarled at him, trying to pull away, but despite her struggling against it, everything faded into darkness.


Frederick pushed the newcomer out of the room, utilizing his physical reinforcement as he saw the walls literally crumbling around him. Having gotten out of the building, he came to a stop, panting with exertion.

This isn't good. He panicked, looking around as if hoping to find someone to help. If she removes her restricting artifact, nothing will be able to stop her from killing this guy and causing an international incident. Should I call Gerald over? Or Olivia? Can I get a hold of Aunt Elsinore?

Despite his panicking, the one who should have definitely been afraid, Christopher, was inexplicably calm. He straightened up, brushing off his clothes where Frederick had grabbed him to drag him to safety. Letting out a small sigh, the young man grinned at Frederick.

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