Part 1

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"Who is that?"

The party was in full swing. Men and women dressed in elegant clothes spun around the room, moving in time to the lively music being played by the orchestra. Many carried long, delicate glasses filled with different types of alcohol. This late into the night many were beginning to get intoxicated. The conversations were getting slightly louder, the laughter more forceful, the smiles a little too bright. It made Elsinore uncomfortable. She already hated being in social situations like this, but especially once they started drinking, the filters in the polite conversations came off. That was when the uncomfortable questions started.

"Elsinore are you listening?"

Startled by her sister's insistent tug on her arm, she turned to the younger girl, her sister, beside her.

"Sorry, Sophia, I'm just wishing I was somewhere else." She chuckled grimly. "Anywhere else."

Sophia sighed quietly. "How many proposals have you gotten so far?"

"Three, two of them from gentlemen twice my age." Elsinore wanted to scream with frustration. "But the night is still young and the liquor is flowing so I'm sure there will be more."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's not your fault this stupid country decided that being twenty-one meant I was an old maid."

"Mom and Dad..."

"Are even worse than the rest of them."

"Don't worry!" Sophia grabbed her arm, giving her a cheeky grin, "I'll fend off all your unwanted suitors."

Elsinore couldn't help but smile back. "What if there's a wanted suitor?"

"Is there?"

She chuckled. "Not yet, but I'll let you know."

They circled the party, trying their best to blend into the crowd.

"How goes your training?" Elsinore sipped on her drink, eyeing the passerbyes, ready to escape at a moment's notice.

"The Protector says I am doing well." Despite her cheerful words, the younger sister seemed depressed. "But I can't complete the ritual magic yet. There's only a few more months left."

Now it was Elsinore's chance to comfort Sophia. "Hey, you'll be fine. You're my sister aren't you? You were chosen for a reason. The Ceremony will go perfectly. You'll see."

"I wish I had your confidence."

"Well I wish I had your figure, so we're even!"

"Elsinore!" Sophia blushed, covering her face with her hand. "You can't say things like that in public!"

"Why not? I'm an old maid, right? I should be able to get away with saying whatever I want." Elsinore laughed. "In fact, give me a few more years and I'll be running naked through the streets and no one will be able to complain..."


Oh crap.

Elsinore felt her smile freeze into place and slowly turned to see an older man standing there. His expression... was not pleased.

"Father! So pleased to see you!" Elsinore cleared her throat, decided that pretended that she hadn't just been loudly talking about running around naked would be the best strategy.

"I was hoping to introduce you two, but perhaps, this isn't the right time..."

What? Had she managed to chase off one the many potential suitors that her father had arranged for her? Great! She silently decided to be inappropriate in public more often.

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