Nodding weakly, Felix croaks out an answer, "I would like some water."

Yixing leaves the room, giving Felix a little space and to go get his water. Yixing doesn't know much about the boy's situation, but he does know the boy is far away from home and is terrified. There isn't a lot he can do for the younger except bring him as much comfort as possible before he meets with the Headmaster.

Felix takes a look around the room, the white walls with the brown wooden trim lining the bottom reminds him of a hospital room. It looks nearly identical, only with no machines and much cozier beds. He sits up, resting his back against the headboard. Everything here looks so normal, compared to the experience he had last night. At least I think it was last night.

Felix doesn't actually know if he has been here longer. It feels like he just woke up from a dream he had the previous night, but he can't say for sure.

A few tears trickle down his face. He hates crying because for him it's physically painful with the way his throat clenches, but he is so scared and confused that he doesn't know what else to do other than cry. He hugs his knees into his chest, burying his face into them to muffle some of the sobs he is emitting. His body shakes with every sob that leaves his mouth, he struggles to gasp for air as his throat tightens the more intense the sobbing gets. It only makes his throat feel dryer and brings him more pain.

Yixing returns with a smile on his face and a glass of water in his hand, but that quickly falters when he sees the crying boy. The nurse hurries over, setting the glass of water down on the bedside table, before gently bringing up a hand to rest on the boy's back. He soothingly rubs circles into it and the boy continues to sob, remembering how it always made him feel better when his older brother would do this for him when he was sad. Yixing can only imagine what this boy must be going through right now, the fear and pain he must feel.

After getting the boy to calm down enough, Yixing lifts his head softly, reaching over with his other hand to grab the glass of water. He carefully hands it to Felix, who quickly gulps down the cool liquid, bringing almost instant relief to his throat. He doesn't want to overwhelm the boy, so he figures giving him a little bit of space will help him sort out his thoughts and give him a little extra time to adjust to the extremely new environment. Making sure he is okay one last time, Yixing takes the now empty glass of water before exiting the room.


The Headmaster sits in his office, his chair facing forward as he waits for the students. Two of the head teachers stand to the side of the room, also waiting on the arrival of the students. It is completely silent and the tension that fills the room is so thick it's difficult to breathe. Everyone has a blank face, showing little to no expression, as this isn't a situation where laughing and conversing normally would be deemed as appropriate.

Kwon Jiyong has been the Headmaster of Aurora Academy for nearly ten years and not once has he ever had to deal with something of this measure. The door opens and in walks, another head teacher, following behind are the two students involved with the incident. For now, the Headmaster wants to keep the newcomer away from this until he decides what will be done with him.

Instructed to sit, the two boys take the seats placed directly in front of the Headmaster's desk, while the third head teacher goes over to stand by the others. The boys hang their heads in shame under the scrutinizing gaze of their Headmaster. Jiyong likes to think he is reasonable with his students and gives them as much free range to do what they like, as long as he sees it fit. With that being said, the rules he has set in place, he takes very seriously.

"I hope you're aware of the seriousness of the actions you boys have chosen to take," The Headmaster speaks up, looking down on them in the process.

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