Chapter 1: One hour

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I sigh sadly, feeling lonely. I can't believe I followed Pha to this damn week-end of the Moons and Stars competition. I blindly believed him when he told me I could spend all my time with the stars.


As soon as we arrived they were all busy taking pictures, leaving no time for flirt. All I could do was to watch them smile at the camera instead of me, which lead me to be sitting alone on a bench analysing what went wrong. I'm in my second year I should be studying or having fun enjoying my youth not bored alone!

I grumpily play on my phone, taping with more strength than needed. The plan was not get lucky those two days, not being alone. I had my eyes on the new star of engineering, hoping a wolf was what I needed. Yeah sex had been boring for some times, not as good as it used to be.

I sigh as I lose the game. I glance around to see get a sight of my best friends.

They had deserted me, Kit was stalked by a young engineering boy and Pha was glued to Wayo. Even the others seems to have disappeared, where the hell did Forth and Lam go?

The time pass slowly as I play on my phone waiting for the stars to have a break. But to my utmost horror, as soon as they finish I'm dragged around by Kit for lunch who gaze behind his shoulder every two seconds.

"Kitty what are you..."

He stands up suddenly, not letting me time to finish.

"I have to go" He warns me before practically running away while Ming make an entrance.

He didn't even touch his plate, too busy running away.

I see the young engineering boy searching the place, his smile fading as he sees me alone. I swear those two are so weird...

I sit with my lunch now alone, feeling a little resentful of my friends who leave me behind when a group of last year moons and stars ask to join me on my table. I nod and we start chatting about the trip.

"Beam, are you going to participate in the discovery program?" Ask me Lin, former star of arts.


"It's a new activity proposed today. Each moon and stars of the year before had to come up with an idea with the theme "An hour discovering something you don't know about other university". In short they have to propose an original activity of an hour that they can share with others, on hidden skill of the former moons and stars." The star of arts explains shoving a flyer next to my plate.

"Yeah and I like the mystery" add Chow the moon of geography. "You don't know which university is proposing the activity until you do it. The point was to surprise and discover without prejudices."

"You say that because nobody wants to go to geography usually, so that's a way for you to make your university known" teases the moon from law.

"Ah yeah that" I chuckle thinking of Pha who didn't understand the subject for once, he's proposing an activity named "boost your memory for your exams"...

For once I think Pha won't have any success, nobody knows it's the Great Phana who will help them "boost their memory". I think he might have nobody enrolling in his activity. Between his proposal and diving in the sea, I don't think people choice will be the first...

I look at the flyers when my eyes catch something interesting: one-hour massage. The activities are proposed without any information. Only the place to go is indicates. I wonder which university can make massage.

"They propose massage session" I say out loud without realizing.

"Yeah, I went there and I must say her fingers are magic!" Says the star of geography.

I grin, instead of waiting aimlessly this afternoon, I'd rather have a massage with a woman with magic fingers. I can finally some light in this damn week-end.

After finishing my plate, I head to the building where the massage session is supposed to be. I stop in front of door on which is placed a large poster of a candle with marked above "Massage".

I knock and enter and discover a huge sign.

Room one: taken

Room two: available

Go to the room available and take off your clothes (keeping your underwear of course) and lie down on the table. Someone will soon come to take care of you and allow your body to relax...

If all the rooms are taken please come back in an hour.

I enter a dim lighted room and obediently follow instructions and lie on my stomach in my boxer, my head in the hole of the massage table, closing my eyes.

I'm a little tense waiting for the person to arrive, it's the first time I do this kind of thing. It's both mysterious and disturbing to hand over your body to a complete stranger. I don't know what to expect and pray that the person will not do me more harm than good.

I jump slightly when I hear the door open. The person doesn't speak, only the sound of footsteps echoes in the room. I feel a body standing next to me and I decide to keep lying down finding nothing to say.

Not knowing who it is and seeing nothing makes me uncomfortable. I can feel my heart speeding up when I hear the sound of a jar's pump and the rubbing of hands against each other.

Long thin hands come to run over my back, sliding smoothly on my skin, making me shiver under the pleasant sensation. My heart leaps as the thumbs rub on each side of my spine, spreading heat all over my back.

They press skillfully and forcefully on my tense upper back muscles, almost making me moan with pleasure. I feel my body giving up little by little to these caresses, the mind fogged by the sensations lavished. I relax slowly, forgetting my fears.

A pair of hands then come gently down my back to stop at the top of my buttocks before going up higher, triggering tingling as well as unexpected sensations in me that I repel quickly. I feel the palms of those strong hands go down again, this time along both sides of my body to stop like the last time at the bottom of my kidneys. They gently squeeze the base of my spine, before setting off once again towards the top of my back, thumbs playing all along my spine.

Feeling the tips of the fingers go back down I bite my lip to hold a moan. Instead of complete relaxation, excitement and warmth begin to take hold of me. Hoping each time that the person goes even lower ... I take long breaths to calm my excitement.

The person juggles between several techniques that fire up my senses. I hear the rustling of our skins against each other, which awaken forgotten areas of my body, as I'm enveloped in the captivating smell of massage oil. Sometimes it's the whole hand that kindle my senses and at other times, it's only the tips of fingers that electrifies me, inevitably causing a certain part of my anatomy to react. I try to breathe calmly to regulate the fire which starts to spread in me but my attempts are countered by new feelings, always more erotic.

Those expert hands then knead my arms to go afterwards on my ankles. The back and forth start again, this time from my ankles to the top of my thighs, just before my boxer. Whenever the gesture stops at the tip of my leg I feel anticipation blazing inside me, almost imagining this expert hand closing in on my cock. I bite my lip harder and harder so I don't moan. 

Completely turned on by the caresses, I feel a little ashamed. Fortunately, my lower abdomen sticks to the massage table and my head is hidden. The person cannot see the state in which this have plunged me.

I never thought my body would confuse preliminary and massage. What will I do when I will have to turn around?

The continuous contact on my thighs, with movements going inward of my thighs, drive me crazy... My cock at first only awake is now painfully hard. It's getting harder and harder not to moan as long fingers draw the outline of my boxers. An untenable desire to see those hands relieve me of this desire obsesses me.

"You can turn around" a deep rough voice informs me, whose intensity vibrates through my whole body. I tense uprecognizing immediately this voice.

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