Chapter 23

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☆Sally's Perspective☆
I was scared of that lady downstairs.  Her presence scream misery and I didn't want (Y/N) to go to that evil being. The second we reach the last step, Daddy was talking to the woman in black and she was getting very angry. "Mother, you're not welcomed here," (Y/N) said with a coldness that I've never seen nor ever want to see again. (Y/N)'s mom turns toward us and I nearly screamed in fear. Her eyes were empty, emptier that EJ'S and that's saying something. She attacks (Y/N) in a shroud of darkness then releases her with a monstrous hiss that made Smiles pee himself. "It's ok Sally and Smiles. My mother is all talk and no venom especially when it comes to the fact that I'm not budging to marry an incompetent, lying, cheating, lowly, selfish, rich man from my time. " (Y/N) takes my hand and walks over to daddy and kisses his cheek and the three of us go to the dining room where everyone is sitting quietly and nervously. Even Uncle Alex ran into the dining room still pale with fear. (Y/N) and I sit on either sides of daddy and we quietly start eating. "Ignore my mother and everything will be fine," she said as the monster let's out a horrible scream that makes my ears hurt. Everyone covers their ears and hisses in pain before the monster walks in and attacks (Y/N) again. Suddenly the monster disappears and the house is calm again, but (Y/N) looks beaten and bruised. Daddy quickly pull my future mommy on to his lap and her injuries disappear like magic.

☆Your Perspective☆
I've never felt this drained since Alex died. I hated that woman with a burning passion, is a good thing I had her focus on me otherwise my family would have experienced much worse than a scary aura and a minor head and ear ache. My mate gently kisses my cheeks and my forehead then gently holds me sweet and comforting words as the dinning room becomes lively again.

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