Chapter 13

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☆Alexander's Perspective☆
I haven't given up hope yet. I know she's still lingering in this life, I just have to find her. "(Y/N), please don't give up on me," I prayed aloud as I near were Roanoke was after all these years. Five hundred years bound by the moon's curse but at least my pack took me in and taught me their ways... well most of them. I could feel the a familiar presence as I arrived back to these tragic grounds. "Smiles, is that you? Come on out, it's me Alex," I call out and soon enough a giant ball of fur tackles me to the ground licking my face with joy. "Alex back! Smiles so happy. Smiles misses Alex so much," the demon pup says as I hug him. "Smiles is a Creepypasta now with Smiles' new owner Jeff the Killer. Smiles thinks Alex should be a Pasta too. Alex is an excellent killer. Slenderman would let you join." I stand up and Smiles nudges me forward to follow him and I oblige. Soon we reached a huge mansion that reminds me of Lord McGavin mansion, just missing some colored slaves which I'm truly grateful for. "Smiles, come quickly! Mom, Dad, and Jeff are in Ej's Opperation Room!" A little girl in pink says as she runs towards us, Smiles' smile immediately drops the second the news hits him and he bolts into the house and I follow in hot pursuit. ♧Poor Smiles.♧

☆Your Perspective☆
I groan as the sleep fades from my body and pain slowly returns but weaker than before. Slowly I open my eyes to se Eyeless Jack, Slenderman, and Trenderman staring down at me concern and worry marks their expressions. "What's wrong?" I ask as I try to sit up but the pain keeps me down. Slender groans aj down on the bed opposite me. "Slender what's wrong? Are you hurt?" I begin to panic but Slender's tentacle reaches over and touches my cheek. "I think because of the potion that we've made, Slender is psychically bonded to you. Every injury and emotions you experience, he'll feel it too and vise versa. I think because you were not a proxy that this spell backfire on you two," Trenderman explains calmly as Ej gives me some pain killers. There was a scratching at the door and a gentle familiar bknock at the door and my heart neatly stops. ♡Fate is too cruel if this is a dream.♡ Trender goes to open the door and I cried at the sight of my twin brother and Smiles the Dog. "Alexander? Is it truly you?" I fought back the pain as I sat up in the bed, nothing could hurt me more than everything being a dream. "Sis, my God! It is you," he said and rushes over to my side as he gently embraces me. "I've missed you so much sister. From what I last heard you when missing after your ran off. What happened?" I couldn't speak or open my eyes I didn't want this to be a dream. Someone cleared his throat add we broke our sibling reunion and we turned to a confused trio plus a very depressed Smiles. "Smiles didn't know that Ghost Girl was Alex's sister. Alex will hate Smiles for his actions," a sad whimper comes from Smiles as his tail tucks between his legs. Jeff, with his good arm, lets the scared pup and I instantly feel guilty for my tough discipline of Jeff. "Smiles, you didn't have control of yourself. I bet my life that Zalgo was behind the attack," Slender says with a hit of sympathy behind the strong authority tone he always has. "We'll host a party later tonight to introduce everyone and celebrate a Sibling reunion."

*(Sorry for this crappy chapter, I've been stressing out like crazy trying to adult when I'm basically a female peter pan. Im going to take a short break until everything is settled. From your Crazed Dark Angel, Mina Hatter)*

Haunting Romance (Slenderman X Dead Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora