Part 14

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A dark aura, no doubt belonging to Melascula or Galand passed overhead. Chimera put her daggers somewhere more accessible, her belt, and was about to turn back to Escanor and let him know she was leaving when she saw the look of concern written in his features.

“Oh… oh dear, what an ominous presence. And they’re not far, are they?” said Escanor.

Chimera put a hand on his shoulder.
“I doubt they’ll come in here,” she said, “and if they do you still have the other tunnels that you can use to get yourself out of here.”

“Oh, I’m not concerned about myself, but what about you?”

“I’ll be alright.”

Chimera smiled. This was her chance to be rid of the two meddlesome soul eating demons without being detected by their comrades.

“Wait here,” she said, “I’ll go see what that is and I’ll come back when the coast is clear. Make sure the doors are locked until I come back.”

“Will you be alright going up there alone, Miss Chimera?”

Her cheeks turned redder than usual, but she smiled determinedly.

“I’m never alone,” she said as she stalked out of the tavern and quietly closed the door behind her. She had two reasons to kill the demons now.
The first, of course, was revenge for nearly killing her the previous night and preventing the two demons from attacking her again.

The second surprised her.

The second was that she wanted to protect Escanor. In his current state, she doubted he could fight the demons long enough to cause any lasting damage.

She moved silently as she approached the mouth of the cave and made her way further up the mountain. The stars were out and twinkling and she could see the red sands of home in one of the dots in the sky. So close and yet so far. She continued up the mountain, trying to keep her footing on the stones as the air grew cool and humid. These Earth plants were so strange and slippery this time of day. She eventually reached the top and hid herself behind a boulder while she unsheathed her daggers as quietly as possible.

She sprinted towards the demon, ready to kill, but skidded to a stop when she saw which demon she was about to attack.


To her shock and rage, it was not Melascula and Galand, nor was it only one of the two, sitting on a rock smirking at her.

It was Gloxinia.

Lunar Twins (Zeldris x OC) (Escanor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now