3. When They Met

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Kasem's POV

The sudden restructuring at my father's company led us to move our home to Bangkok City. It's only a little over an hour away yet my mother insisted I transfer schools anyway. The sooner the better.

The new school I'll be going to is owned by one of my father's acquaintances and he suggested to my family that this school would the best for me. I am not picky. Whatever is convenient and whatever makes my family happy, I would go for it.

Pardon my rudeness.

My name is Kasem Sutivong. Youngest of three kids and the only boy in the family. My father is Kristoff, and my mother is Kristel.

I have an old dog named Luna and she is almost as old as me. I will be turning 16 in December 7. I am an alpha.

This is my first visit of my new school, and I am excited. I do love to study. I even know what I want to be in the near future. An engineer. With a business or economics degree.

My father had always taught me since I was young, I will help him make or company bigger to benefit more people in the process. It's a good plan. I'll---take it.

"You know I could just hand in your application, son. Then you'll go on Monday on your first day." My father said when I was about to leave with the driver he designated for me.

"Dad, I can do this." I said as I gave my mother a hug and him as well after.

"Well, we know you can. Be careful, son. Your father and I will see you tonight." My mother told me before I got inside the car.

The drive wasn't that long. Maybe it was because we left after lunchtime. It isn't rush hour yet.

When I got to Khumpai Integrated School, I asked the driver to go back home. It would probably take me a while as I planned not only to hand in my application for transfer which I know will be approved anyway, but I also wanted to explore the new place.

After leaving the administration building where I met Mr. Porsche Khumpai, I bid goodbye and I went on with my way to my planned self tour.

I was lost in enjoying my sightseeing, I didn't notice it had gotten late. I even had some snacks at the cafeteria after I had gone to the library and read some books for over an hour.

I was heading to the school covered gym. I didn't really need to get inside. But something at the back of my mind kept telling me to do so anyway. Even my heart was thumping, and that is so odd.

I was walking down the hallway that connects the all purpose gym and the locker rooms in the back when I caught a sniff of the most wonderful scent.


I followed it. The sweet smell got stronger as I neared the end of the hallway. I presume the door leads to the showers.

There is this story that my mother used to tell me. The legend of an alpha and his fated omega. The two soulmates.

There's no attraction stronger than they have. There's no bond stronger than they have. The scent that the two halves of a soul can sense is unique to only the two of them.

The soulmates.

I found my fated one.

I have a fated one.

There he is. At the end of another corridor. A boy. He has pale, smooth looking skin. He may seem like an alpha but he is my omega. I can feel it.

I know that my aura is probably suffocating him. Perhaps my unique scent that he alone can smell is overwhelming his senses.

I ran across the corridor and rushed to his side when I saw him about to hit the floor.

He fell in my arms after I caught him. Wow! He's so handsome. Boyishly handsome. His face is flushed making him look more adorable.

His beautiful eyes fluttered as he opened his small mouth. "W-who are—

"My omega...I found you." Was what I managed to say. I may have sounded weird but I didn't see a bad reaction from him.

Shit. He's losing his senses over me. He's in heat.

And though my parents trained me to control my urges which I was successful with from my past encounters with some omega in heat, this time it is different.

Darn it.

'I want him.'

'I want him.'

'I want him.'

I didn't notice myself already devouring his neck. When?

I found myself panting against his smooth skin. He is in the same situation as me. He's moaning and panting from my touches.

Did he just...he kissed me! My first kiss!

"More..." he said. I obliged and gave him more. I kissed him more. Darn! He tastes so good.


I need to think.

Shit. What?

Darn it. Wai-

He pulled me towards one of the locker rooms? Is it?

"Haa...my name...my name is Kas—
Shit! You smell so good." I panted under my breath as he got me pinned against the door. And I think my clothes are starting to be carelessly removed away from me.


I flipped our bodies. I think that was me. Yeah. It was me. I got him against the door this time.

"Your name...my omega... Your name." I uttered between sucking his neck and undressing him.

He grabbed my hair and pulled my face to meet his gaze. "My name...is Ishan, my alpha." He said before devouring my mouth again.

I found myself lifting him up and I sat on the soft bench in the middle of the room. He wrapped his legs around my waist as he sat on my lap.

"Oh god!" We both half screamed, half growled when our bodies began to unite.

"Kas..." He whispered when my member had finally got inside him completely.

It feels too tight. Even when he's very wet down there, he still looks in pain. I kept giving him kisses as I slowly thrust upwards.

"I'm here...It's okay, my love. I'm here..." I whispered in his ear as I slowly made my thrusts.

I never had sex in my life. Instinct is guiding me. I think...

I don't know when or how we got into a different position. He's now standing with one foot on the bench. I'm behind him, holding his belly and waist, and thrusting my member inside him.

My omega tilted his head to kiss me. "Kas..."

"I'm here...my love, I'm here..." We were both coming when I noticed some cum scattered on the floor. In more than one spot.

"Ahhhh!" We both came at the same time.

My handsome omega fell forward and I grabbed onto his belly before he could totally fall on the bench. With his knees on the bench and me behind him looking at his beautiful back, my eyes widened when my gaze landed on his nape.

I had marked him.


Until I Met Youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن