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Jungkook POV

I woke up to a sound worse than any pain and discomfort in the whole world: my alarm. I barely opened my eyes and looked at the clock. 5:01am.

"Ugh." I grunt as I stretch my whole body, starting to feel a bit more alive.

I lazily get up and make my way to the bathroom. Taking off my boxers and stepping into the shower, my whole body relaxes as warm water pours over it. A few minutes later, I step out wrapping one towel around my waist and using a different one to gently rub my scalp. After I brush my teeth, I leave the bathroom and make my way to my walk-in closet.

Ten minutes later, I'm finally done. Looking at myself in the mirror, I'm pleasantly satisfied with how I look. I'm wearing a tight, black T-shirt toning my abs clearly, black ripped jeans and a black leather jacket with red patterns. I then make my way downstairs, which I immediately regret.

"Good Morning!" Hoseok practically yells in my face, too excitedly.

"Morning, Hobi." I reply lazily, plopping down onto the couch. "Is breakfast served yet?"

"No, Jin is about to come downstairs and make something. He strictly told Dahee not to come near the kitchen, it hurts his ego too much"

"Well that's her fucking job, why else are we paying her?" Yoongi says entering the living room, sounding rather annoyed. A few seconds after that, Taehyung appears.

"Morning, guys." He exclaims, showing off his boxy smile.

"Shut up, kid." Yoongi replies, to which Taehyung gives him a very confused look. Yoongi just smirks evilly and scrolls through his phone.


Jimin POV

"Taemin, can you get me those files I needed to fill out yesterday?" I asked, already frustrated at the amount of work I have to do today.

"Sure, if I'm able to find them." He replied jokingly, looking at the pile of papers on our desks.

"Aish.. I really can't be bothered to do any work today." I sighed, clicking my pen. "But I know Joon is gonna be on my ass if we don't get everything done."

"Oh come on, he loves you too much to actually do anything bad."

I chuckled. "Are you sure about that? Last time I didn't finish everything, he hid all my credit cards for three days." I rolled my eyes, remembering the situation. "He's not as much of an angel as he seems."

Taemin laughed at my comment and went to the back room, probably to look for those files. I felt a light buzz in the pocket of my pants and soon realized someone texted me. I took my phone out and unlocked it to read the text.

Chim, wanna go out tonight? I found this new club and it looks hella sick. We should check it out when you're done with work!


I think for a second before sending a reply.

Sure Yuggie, I got nothing to do anyway.


I place my phone back into my pocket and continue looking over some papers and files. Suddenly I hear a groan coming from the back room.

"You okay there, T?" I shout into his direction.

"I can't find those fucking files!" I can imagine his annoyed expression, based on his tone. "Honestly, I can't wait until Chanyeol gets back from vacation and handles his shit." He exclaims, exiting the back room and throwing himself into his chair.

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