Comfort At Its Finest

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Sorry it's taken me a while to update this... I'm preoccupied with my newest story, Life is Simple in Black and White. If someone would like to send me suggestions for any of my stories and fanfics, please write a comment. I look at all comments and I will reply to you. Please enjoy this!

Stay catastrophic, my lovelies.


Dean smiled down at the hurting angel, stroking his hair. Cas looked up at the hunter, giving him a weak smile.

"Dean.. You can continue with my treatment. The pain in my wing is still present, but I'm okay. I want to get this over with."

Dean nods, looking at Sam. The younger Winchester lifts up the bloodied towel on Castiels stomach, grimacing at the wound.

He looks at the angel. "Uh, Cas? You're gonna want something to hold or squeeze while I'm doing this..."

Castiel automatically grabs Deans hand, intertwining their fingers.

Dean flinches but he doesn't pull away or ask what the hell because he knows Castiel needs this.

Sam lowers the needle to his skin, poking it through, making Cas gasp and wince, gripping Deans hand tighter. Sam poked the needle through the other side of the wound. Cas whimpers, nuzzling his face into Deans hand. Dean smiles sadly and runs his free hand through the hurting angels hair.

Sam continues to stitch up the wound, Cas flinching and whimpering whenever the needle broke his skin. He fixed it up, cutting the thread and putting antibiotic gel on it to ensure it doesn't get infected.

Sam does the same with Cas's shoulder wound. They check the rest of his body for wounds, cleaning up his cuts and being careful of his bruises. Sam sighs, wiping his forehead. Dean smiles down at the angel.

"Cas? Hey, you still with us?" The angel opens his eyes. "Yes, Dean. I feel a lot better, but when I move, the stitches feel strange..." The older Winchester smiles. "Yeah, that's normal. But you're okay! We fixed you up. I told you we would." Cas smiles and nods. "I know, Dean." He looks at Sam. "Thank you. I appreciate your help..."

Castiels eyebrows suddenly furrow and he looks down at his stomach, cocking his head. He looks at the brothers. "What is this strange feeling in my stomach? It's... As if my stomach is... Angry..." Dean smiles. "Are you hungry?" Cas tilts his head. "I... Maybe."

Sam walks over to the table and picks up the Impalas keys. "I'll go get you guys burgers." He raises his eyebrows at the angel. "You still like White Castle?" He nods, looking back down and placing a hand on his stomach. Sam grabs his wallet, walking out the front door. They hear the impala start up and drive away.

"Dean, I apologize." The older Winchester looks over to Cas. "What're you talking about? There's nothing to be sorry about." The angel tries to sit up, and Dean rushes to help him so that he doesn't rip his stitches.

"Dean, I'm powerless now. I'm injured, I will not be able to assist you for a while, and I'm susceptible to pain, injuries, hunger and other human problems. I won't be much help. I don't want to burden you. Maybe it's best I leave."

Dean stares at the angel. "Why do you think you're worthless? You're human now. So what? Me and Sam are human, but you don't see us being absolutely useless. Just because you're human now doesn't mean we want you to leave. You're our friend, Cas."

Castiel smiles. "Thank you, Dean. If you really wish for me to stay, then I will."

Dean grinned. "So, what do you want to do? Do you want to watch TV?" Cas tilted his head. "I... Don't know. What would we watch? The show with the pizza man?" Dean chuckled, pushing the thought of Casa Erotica away. "No, we could watch sports, watch a movie, we could watch a m-" Cas cut him off. "What's the show you like so much?"

Sam came back a while later to Dean and Cas sitting on the bed watching Doctor Sexy M.D. "I see you two ladies are having fun." "Shut it Sam, this is therapy." Cas looked over to Sam. "Did you bring the food, my hunger is increasing."

Sam held up the bag. Dean jumped up and snatched the bag away. He pulled out Cas's burger and handed it to him, then he pulled out his own. He glanced back into the bag and saw a salad in the very bottom. He rolled his eyes and pulled it out, handing it to his brother. "Here, take your rabbit food."

Sam took it, returning the eye roll. "At least mine doesn't taste like grease and diabetes." Dean looked at him like he had just talked bad about the impala. "Hey, it tastes like freedom. This is America, bitch." Sam smiled. "Whatever you say, jerk."

They ate, Dean and Cas continued watching Doctor Sexy, and Sam did research on a case. They wanted to ask Cas how they could get it back, but they both silently agreed to let the angel relax for a while. He'd been through hell, so they might as well let him enjoy being human for a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2014 ⏰

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