Begs And Pleads Rolling Off Of His Lips

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Okay, guys... This is when Castiels pain begins. and since Cas is fallen, severe pain is going to be a new experience for him...

Hope you guys enjoy!

Stay weird, Lovelies~


Dean stared at Cas in shock, a mixture of anger and worry in his eyes. He grabbed the bags off of the floor, setting them on the table and pulling out the medical stuff he bought.

He dug through the bag, pulling out things like band-aids, gauze, pain pills, headache pills, and soup. He muttered "Damn angels... I'm gonna rip their damn wings off!" Cas cringed at the thought of having his wings ripped off and at the anger in Deans voice.

"Dean..." Cas whimpered in pain. The hunters eyes snapped to the hurt angel. Cas coughed, cringing at the pain ripping through his body.

"It h-hurts... Everything hurts... Dean, p-please..." Deans heart shattered. He walked over to him, carrying the things he need to help heal Cas's wounds.

He looks over to Sam, who was staring at the angel with sadness in his eyes. "Sammy? Can you get the med kit out of my bag?" Sams eyes snapped to him. He nodded. " yeah, sure." He walked over to the bag, kneeling down and pulling out the medical kit.

Sam handed him the kit, glancing at Deans eyes for a brief moment. Dean opened it and pulled out a sewing needle and some dental floss. He began to thread the floss through the small hole in the needle. Cas tilted his head, shooting Dean a questioning look.

"Dean, what is that for? Why do you need a sewing needle?" He asked quietly, whimpering slightly. Dean faked a smile to hide his worry.

"Don't worry, Cas, I'm gonna fix you up." Cas smiled gently. "I know you will." Sam sighed. "Dean... Can I, uh.. Can I show you something outside?"

Dean understood what Sam wanted him to do and he nodded. "Sure." He turned to the hurt angel. "Cas we will be right back, okay?" Instead of asking what Sam was going to show Dean, he nodded. "Okay. I'll be fine." Dean smiled, running one hand through the angels hair before following Sam outside.

Sam shut the door, looking at Dean. "You understand what we are gonna have to do, right?" Dean shoots his younger brother a confused look. "Of course I do. I have to stitch him up and fix his wounds." Sam sighs. "Yeah, but.. Dean... He's never experienced pain like this before. If he's hurting now, imagine how bad he'll be hurt as your stitching him up..." He stares at his older brother, concern in his eyes.

Dean swallowed hard. "Yeah.. I.. I know. We are gonna have to be as gentle as possible." Sam nodded. Dean opened the front door, walking back in, his eyes falling upon the whimpering angel. "Dean.. "

He walked over to Cas, rubbing his arm soothingly. "You'll be okay." He slowly lifted Cas's hand off of the towel still covering his stomach wound. "Okay, Castiel?" The angel snapped his eyes to him. "Yes Dean?"

Taking a deep breath, Dean looks into Cas's eyes. "Cas... This is going to hurt, okay? I have to stitch up your wounds, I have to make sure nothing broken... So just bear with me, okay?"

Cas gave Dean a worried smile. "It's okay, Dean. I know you..." He paused to wince as he reached his hand to grab Deans jacket. "... I know you wouldn't hurt me.. Intentionally..

I trust you, Dean. I trust you with my life."

The hunter smiled. He looked over at Sam. "How should we do this? Tie him down? Give him something to bite down on?" Sam opened his mouth to answer his brother but was interrupted by the angel yelling weakly.

"No! I.. I don't want to be tied down.. I don't want to bite on anything. Just.. Do it.. I'll be fine." Dean let out a shaky sigh, rubbing his face. "I-okay..." He sat on the bed next to Cas.

Dean picked up the needle, staring at it. He zoned out for a second before he snapped back to reality, shaking his head. "No, no, I... No. I can't, Sam..."

Sam give his brother a worried look. "Dean?" He looks at Sam. "I can't.. Not this wound.. Your hands are steadier than mine. Please, can you.."

Sam realized what his brother was asking of him and he nodded slowly, biting back his protest. "Yeah.. I got it." He sat on the other side of the beaten angel.

Sam was about to lower the needle to Castiels skin when he noticed something black and fluffy sticking out from underneath him. "Cas? What are.. Those?" He asked, looking down at the black... Things. Cas turned his head, looking down to where Sam was. Dean followed their gaze.

He sighed. "My wings.. They manifested themselves, apparently..." He leaned up slightly, stretching out the large, black, feathery wings. His face contorted in pain as he stretched the left one. The bone was twisted at an odd angle. They were, as Cas had said, mutilated.

Dean reached his hand up, petting the right wing which was practically lying on his lap. Cas sighed in pleasure, relaxing slightly. "Can you move this wing?" Dean asked. Cas looked at the one he was petting, slowly stretching it out, wincing slightly. "Yes. This one hurts much less than my other. "

Dean clenched his teeth, worry in his voice. "We're gonna have to set the bone back in place..." Cas looked at Sam, who was sitting right next to him, gently stroking the broken wing.

"Will it hurt?" Sam nodded slowly. "Yeah... It will. So will the stitching, and your going to be sore and hurting for a while." Dean looked at his brother, who nodded, understanding the look he gave him. He petted Castiels head, threading his fingers through his hair. "Ready, Cas?

Cas nodded, gripping Deans jacket tightly. "Okay, relax, alright?" Cas visibly relaxed, breathing out.

"On the count of three. One... Two.."

Sam pushed the bone back into place, doing it early so that Cas wasn't tensed up. A scream ripped out of the fallen angels throat, tears falling out of his eyes. Dean shushed him gently, petting his wing. He kissed his forehead.

After a few minutes of heavy breathing, whimpering and soothing words, Cas calmed down, the pain in his wing slowly ebbing away.

He whimpered, gripping Deans arm tightly. "Dean... Please.. It hurts.."

Dean wished he could stop the angels pain. He was as helpless as Cas, all he could do was patch him up. He wished with every fiber of his being that he could switch places with the angel.


Okay! I believe this was slightly longer than my other chapters, I tend to have a bad habit of making short ones. I hope you enjoyed!

Stay weird, Lovelies~

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