Fallen Angel

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Thank you for reading this, I appreciate any support and comments.

Stay insane, Lovelies. ^_^


Sam was back at the motel, waiting for Dean to get back from buying supplies. He was doing research, even though they weren't on a case. They had managed to get a free day.

He suddenly heard the familiar flutter of wings behind him, but instead of hearing Castiels gruff, deep voice saying hello, he heard crashing.

He jumped up, turning around quickly. His eyes widened at the shape the angel was in. Cas, cut and bruised up, with two blood stains, one on his shoulder, and a bigger one on his side, which he was holding his hand over.

He weakly whimpered "S-Sam.." Before falling to his knees, crying out in pain. Sam rushed over to the angel. "Cas? Cas! Who.. What did this to you?!" Cas grimaced. "An angel, one of.. R-Raphael's followers..."

Sam pulled off the bloody trenchcoat. "Cas, lie on the bed, keep pressure over the wound. I'm going to call Dean." He said, panic in his voice, hands shaking as he pulled out his phone, pressing Deans number.

It rang a few times before Dean picked up. "What is it?" Sam quickly said, "Get back here, NOW. And bring medical stuff to patch up bad wounds." Panic suddenly rose in Deans voice as he spoke. "Sammy, what's wrong, are you okay?"

Sam swallowed hard. "It's Cas. He's cut up.. Bad." Dean quickly said "On my way." Before hanging up. Sam went over to Cas, who was nearly passed out. He gently shook the hurt angel.

"Cas, hey, you gotta stay awake, okay? Deans on his way, he's coming right now, we're gonna help you." Castiels dim eyes seemed to light up at the mention of Deans name.

"It hurts..." He whimpered. Sam nodded. "I know.. Can you sit up? I need to take off your shirt so I can see the wound." Cas nodded, slowly sitting up, clenching his teeth as Sam undid and pulled off his tie. He slipped off his blood covered shirt, then he helped Cas lie back down. He ran and got two towels, pressing one over the wound on his side, the other over the shoulder cut.

Cas clenched his teeth, holding back a sob at the pain. Sam smiled apologetically.

Dean suddenly busted through the door, slamming it behind him. He dropped the bags on the ground, running towards Cas. "Cas? What the hell happened?" He smiled at Dean, a small trail of blood coming out if the corner of his mouth. "Hello D-Dean.." He paused, licking his dry, cracked lips. "Angels.. I-I'm fighting a war, you know..."

Sam lifted up the towel on his shoulder, showing Dean the wound. Pressing it back down, he lifted up the one on Cas's stomach. Dean let out a shaky sigh. Cas smiled at Dean, wincing slightly.

"Why can't you heal yourself?" Dean questioned. Cas lowered his gaze. "Dean... They ripped out my Grace... They gave me barely enough to ....assist my wings to get here.. Since they are kind of.. Mutilated... "

He looked into Deans eyes with a sad, pain filled stare. "I'm practically human now, Dean.

I fell from heaven, and I fell towards you."


Okay! Sorry that this chapter took me a while to upload.. Please, feel free to write a comment, I'd really appreciate any feedback. ^_^

Stay insane, lovelies~

As He Fell: A Supernatural FanficWhere stories live. Discover now