The One Where You And Peter Take A Break (Part Three) | Peter Parker [TH]

Start from the beginning

Peter winced. Neither sleeping person in the living room woke up, and Flash was nowhere to be seen. Peter picked up the phone.


It went off again, and Peter realized that it wasn't ringing, but an alert was going off that was telling Flash his voicemail was full.

Which Peter really wasn't going to check, but every single message was from you.

He touched the last one that you'd sent and it started to play.

"Hi, it's me. I've been trying to reach you - er, Peter - all night. I feel awful. Please, Peter, you gotta know there is nothing between me and Harry. This whole breakup thing is just stupid! Ugh, I'm just so sorry I put you through it. And you know, I don't want to get back together over a machine... so... I love you. And you know what? I'm going to go to bed now, but I'm coming to Flash's apartment around eight thirty. I hope you're there. I hope you're safe. Bye."

Peter's eyes flickered to the clock. 


"No way," he murmured. 

Sure enough, there was a knock on the door as soon as it turned to 8:28.

Peter ran to the door, then he stopped because he felt like he was about to throw up. 

But he still pulled the door open, and when he saw you standing there, he realized that Gwen was visible on the couch behind him. So he threw his arms around you and kissed you right on the lips, turning you so your back went against the wall. 

You put your arms around his neck and kissed him back. Then, pulling back, you said, "Ugh, your breath is horrible."

"Sorry," he replied. He shut his eyes and grabbed one of your hands. He pressed it to his cheek and sighed. "I missed you."

"I missed you, Pete. Let's never do this again, okay?" 

"Okay," he murmured.

"I love you," you said. 

"Oh, I love you so much." He went to kiss you again.

You put your fingers on his lips. "Peter?"


"What do you have all over your face?" you asked. You grabbed his jaw gently and turned his head. "Are these... bruises?" You rubbed one gently, then looked at the pad of your finger. "Or... purple lipstick?"

"Huh?" His hand flew to his face. 

You looked at it on your finger. "It's like what Gwen wears..." 

At that same moment, Gwen sat up from the sofa. "Mm... good morning, spider-guy," she yawned, stretching her arms upward.

Peter turned around in horror. You stared, wide eyed and mouth agape. Gwen wasn't sure what was going on until she saw the lipstick stains on Peter's face.

"Oh. Oh." She jumped up. "No, no, no - was that me? Oh, jeez!" She grabbed her head.

You looked at Peter and pushed him away from you in disgust. He fell against the wall. You stormed out the front door.

"____, wait!" Without glancing back at Gwen, he followed you outside. 

You lost it when he grabbed you by your arm. You whirled around and yanked your arms back. "No! You don't get to touch me!" 

He froze and you took the chance to run back into Flash's apartment. You went around Gwen, who you couldn't even look at without wanting to get sick. You kept picturing them kissing like they did in middle school... when you weren't a part of the picture...

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