"Actually, maybe we could just talk a little bit about, um, ourselves." I asked, "I feel like I barely know you."

I had just asked the question that I had been so nervous about. I wanted to know about Noah really bad, and I wanted him to get to know me.

"Um, alright." Noah answered, blindsided by the question. 

"Well, how long have you been doing gymnastics." I questioned. Fuck. I messed up again. He didn't know I had watched him doing gymnastics.

"For about seven years now I think, I don't really know. I never did an organized league, I kinda just picked it up." Noah responded, oblivious to my fuck up. 

"How long have you done football?" Noah responded.

"I think about 9 years. It's always been something me and my dad loved." I answered. 

"Cool." Noah stated.

"What's your middle name." I asked.

"Michael, what's yours?" 


Before we could ask any more questions, Mr. Charles burst into the room. He looked at the two of us, shocked again. 

"Do you two live in this classroom? I swear you're always here!" Mr. Charles asked, mainly sarcastic, but slightly concerned.

"Noah here was just helping me understand the notes." I told Mr. Charles, "I just didn't understand a few things."

"Well I'm glad I could find you anyway, Mr. Fay, your dad's here to see you." Mr. Charles responded.

I looked over at Noah. His skin had taken the color of chalk, and his grip on the desk had tightened. He looked like he was going to puke.

"Mr. Fay, are you OK?" Mr. Charles asked, clearly seeing the color Noah had taken on.

"Um, yeah, I'm fine." Noah whispered. He got up from his seat and started to walk out the door.

I didn't understand what had just happened. Why had Noah looked so nervous? 

"Mr. Charles, can I use the bathroom." I asked, not realizing the day hadn't started yet.

Giving me a quizzical look, Mr. Charles just pointed to the door. I opened the classroom door and scanned the hallways. I looked left and saw Noah walk into the bathroom. Why had he gone in there? Without thinking, I followed the path he had taken down the hallway. Standing outside the bathroom door, I debated going inside. There would be no way I could call this an "accident". Though I was nervous, something inside me wouldn't let me walk away.

As I walked into the bathroom, I saw Noah at the sink, crying. He was using his sleeve to wipe the tears, and I could see cuts all along his arm.

"Uh, Noah." I hesitated.

Noah turned around with a start. He immediately covered up his arm and wiped his face.

"Um yeah...everything...everything's fine." Noah croaked. He tried to walk out of the bathroom right then, but I stood in his way.

"Hey, you can trust me." I encouraged. Whatever was going on with him, I knew he had to talk about it. He seemed so small at this moment. I just wanted to help him. It makes me sick seeing him like this.

Without responding Noah looked away. Knowing I would need to say something to get him to talk, I started with the obvious.

"What happened to your arm?"

Noah turned around and pulled his arm sleeve even higher than it was.

"I...I fell." Noah sniffed.

We both knew he was lying.

"Please, Noah, be honest with me. I want to help." I assured. I didn't know what I was doing. I barely knew this kid, yet he was supposed to trust me? The only reason I trusted him was because I liked him.

"It's nothing, OK." Noah muttered harsher than I expected. I don't know why, but something in me clicked when he said that.

"It's not fine alright, what's going on with you! I want to help!" I shouted. I immediately regretted saying that. 

Noah turned towards me, looking furious.

"No, you're not trying to help, you just want to know about my fucking life so you can go and tell your fucking friends about it. I got into a fucking fight. The kid hit me with a knife, and even punched me in the eye earlier this week. That any better!?" Noah shouted.

I was speechless. 

"Noah I, I didn't..." I started, but Noah cut me off.

"Don't even START with the I'm so sorry crap. I get it, my life fucking sucks, but it's been better recently since YOU'VE FUCKING BEEN IN IT. I thought you were someone different Ian Pierce, but you're a motherfucking asshole like everyone else!" Noah screamed, "I FUCKING LIKE YOU OK, NOT THAT IT MATTERS NOW BECAUSE YOU FUCKING THINK I'M INSANE." Violently shaking, tears tripping down his face. I felt sick.

I didn't know what to do, but my body had a plan of its own. I started to cry. Not the loud sobbing Noah had been doing, but the quiet kind where the tears pool out of your eyes. Noah stopped crying and just looked at me. He was as shocked as I was at my bodies reaction.

"Ian, I'm... I'm sorry, I didn't mean that." Noah sobbed, looking ashamed and embarrassed.

I did the unfathomable. I pulled Noah into a tight embrace, starting to sob. His head fit perfectly into my chest. He's breathing seemed to stop for a couple of seconds, but then I could feel him starting to sob again. I only squeezed him closer to me. We remained intertwined together, sobbing, for what felt like forever. I could feel his head against my heart, his chest against mine. I had never felt so complete in my life.

Finally, I broke the embrace. Noah looked at my straight in the eyes. He had so many questions, I could tell. I was afraid I couldn't give him any answers. Instead, I decided to hug him once more, and whisper into his ear.

"I won't let anyone hurt you again." 

Hey Guys! YES, FINALLY SOMETHING ROMANTIC. Sorry if this seems rushed to Y'all, but this story had literally taken me HOURS to write so far, due to revisions and re-doing chapters. I hope Y'all like it though. Comment down below who you would rather be, Noah or Ian, in the embrace they had. Thanks!

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