Chapter 2

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I couldn't believe how stupid I had been. I wasn't late for football practice, I was supposed to be meeting with a "friend" behind the school right now.

Shit, I thought, How the fuck had I forgotten about this?

As I ran around the corner of the school, I could see Alan was already there. There aren't many words that can describe just how Alan is, but big is one of them.

"Your late Ian." Alan snarled.

"Sorry, I got detention, and that Noah kid wouldn't let me get outa there." I lied. There was no way I was letting him know I had forgotten all about our little "meeting".

"You shoulda beat his ass." Alan grunted, clearly wishing I had. "Do you at least have the stuff"

"Yeah, it's right in here." I reached into my backpack and pulled out the white powder he so desperately wanted. He snatched it out of my hand as soon as he could.

"Now the money." I stated. 

With a sigh, Alan reached into his pocket and pulled out the 20$ he owed me. Even though Alan may look intimidating, he was always true to his word. I knew he was going to pay the exact amount. 

"Thanks Ian, pleasure doing business with ya." Alan said, with a sound as close to a giggle as a man of that size could get too. He started to walk in the opposite direction, 20$ poorer and a head in the clouds.

Wanting to get the hell out of there, I started to zip up my backpack, when I realized something wasn't right. Where the hell is my notebook? Dumping the contents of my backpack out right onto the group, I started digging through them.

"Shit, shit, shit, fuck." I mumbled to myself, feeling my heart-rate dramatically increase.

With my panic rising, I started to think through where it could have been. I knew I had it during my last period, English, but I didn't know what happened from then on. B101. Grabbing my backpack, I rushed back into the school and darted to Mr. Charles's classroom. Arriving, for the second time that day, out of breath. I scanned the classroom. Noah had already left, so I didn't need to make up another lousy excuse of why I had come back so soon. I started to look in every seat, under every desk, and in every corner of the classroom. It just wasn't there

"Fuck." I shouted, getting more nervous. With my panic rising, a horrible thought entered my brain. What if Noah had taken it. What if he had read it.

"Oh shit." I whispered, my fear becoming greater by the second. Before I could think of any other explanation, I heard the door open behind me. I turned around to see none other than Mr. Charles, clearly surprised I was still "cleaning" his classroom.

"Mr. Pierce, what are you still doing here?" Mr. Charles stated, obviously baffled by my presence in his classroom.

"Ummm, I was just... uhh... I thought I forgot my coat in the classroom." I stammered. Why did I have to be so stupid, it was 70 degrees out.

"Well, obviously you haven't, so you best be on your way, Mr. Kane." Mr. Charles warned, hinting that my exit would be most appreciated. 

"Thank you." I halfheartedly muttered as I dragged myself out the door. 

While I was getting into my car, I could only be worried. He can't the notebook. That line seemed to be on an endless loop as I drove to my best friend, Jasper's, house. He had organized a party, and I was already late due to my "meeting" and my detention. Pulling up to the house, I could hear the music pumping. Though it was loud, It couldn't be louder than my heart. 

Arriving late, Jasper took me aside, handing me a strong smelling drink.

"Bro wassup." he slurred. It seemed to be the drink talking instead of him.

"Nothing much, you," I muttered, wishing I could forget about the notebook.

"Bro, ya good over there, ya seem a bit fucked up." Jasper stuttered.

He can't know about my notebook.

"Yeah man, just tired, that all," I shouted, trying my best to sound optimistic.

"Well bro, drink up." Jasper cheered, taking a sip himself.

With that, I took a big sip of my "mystery" drink, which I later found out was a mix of Vodka and Bailey. I could feel all my worries slipping away, as my emotions became muddled. Entering into a state of numbness, I forgot all about my notebook troubles. I started to relax and started to have a good time. My consciousness began to fade out, and I let it take me.

I awoke with a start. Where in the fuck was I? I scan my surrounding for any clues it may give me. I realize, almost immediately, I am in Jasper's guest room. A headache hit me almost immediately. I stumbled out of the room and spotted Jasper in the kitchen. Cups and liquor were splattered all over the floor.

"Bro, what the fuck happened last night?" I asked, my head pounding.

Jasper didn't respond. He was still out cold from the night before. Not having the heart to wake him up, I decided to try to gather my thoughts. 

What happened last night I pondered, searching my brain for answers. Absolutely nothing seemed to show up. Looking at the clock, it was already 7:30. School starts in 10 minutes. Shit. Heading over to shake Jasper awake, I decided to let him be. He would kill me if I woke him up. I Gathered my backpack; suddenly, I remembered what had been bothering me so much the night before. The notebook. I unlocked my car and started to race towards the high school. Another detention was the least of my worries. If he's read the notebook, I'm already as good as gone.

Hey Guys! This is the end of chapter 2 of this series. Though not many of you have read it (so far) I just want to touch upon a few points. Number one, I love it when you guys comment on my stories. It's so much fun to read them, and it really adds to the experience. Number two, in the comments, if you want to give me suggestions, or point out errors in my writing, PLEASE so so!! It will only strengthen me as a writer. What I would love for y'all to do so far is tell me who your favorite character is. Noah or Ian. I'm sure you'll fall in love with them both by the end of this story :) Thanks to you all!!!

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