The beginning

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Authors note: please don't mind the words like this, that is just me doing my best to describe and third p.o.v everything and everyone so please don't mind that.


Narrator/ardeth Bay's P.O.V

Thebes, City of the Living, crown jewel of Pharaoh Seti the First.

Glaring out over the city at the setting sun a handsome man with intense, evil eyes.

Who was also quite muscular.

Home of Imhotep, Pharaoh's high priest, keeper of the dead.

A gorgeous woman had enter the outer foyer. She wasn't wearing anything at all but still somewhat clothing that cover some parts of her naked body, which was also painted in an Egyptian manner. She was the Pharaoh's future wife.

Who makes her way through the ornate statuary.

Birthplace of Anck Su Namun, Pharaoh's mistress. No other man was allowed to touch her.

Anck-Su-namun had vanished through the bedroom curtains and embraces Imhotep, they kiss passionately and feverishly. Imhotep's hands roamed her body, which causes the paint to smear.

But for their love, they were willing to risk life itself.

There were these bald, hideous, men that were Imhotep's priests. They had rushed over and closes the door. But just as they do, the doors had burst opened by the pharaoh himself, who seemed angry for at moment.

"What are you doing here?" He said When he sees the priests.

The priests had backed away scared for their lives, his arrival was unexpected. The pharaoh walked toward where Anck-Su-Namun and Imhotep was standing, as he throws the curtains back he sees Anck-Su-Namun standing alone like nothing had happened between her and Imhotep.

Until the pharaoh sees the smeared paint on her shoulder, "Who has touched you?!" As he points his finger at her with anger in his voice. From behind him was Imhotep holding a sword, the pharaoh had turned around to see Imhotep with the sword and was shocked.

"Imhotep, priest." He said with a shocked voice.

Behind the pharaoh Anck-Su-Namun had lifted a dagger and plunged it into his back.  The pharaoh had screamed in pain while Imhotep had ready his sword that was in his hand. The priests had slammed the doors shut and made sure it was locked,  as they got done they looked back and seen the shadows of Anck-Su-Namun and Imhotep stabbing the life of the pharaoh. 

But suddenly the doors were trying to rammed open again from the other side of the doors. Both lovers had turn toward the doors then looked at each other with worried and desperate looks.  Imhotep's priests had run up and grabbed him to take him to the balcony.

"Pharaoh's bodyguards!" Said Imhotep, "You must go!!! Save yourself!!" "I'm not leaving you!!!" "You must. Only you can resurrect me." Imhotep looked at her with despair.  "Get your hands off me!!!!" Yelling at his priests trying to break free from their grip, "Anck-Su-Namun!!! I will resurrect you!!!!" He said as being pulled away.

The mummy x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz