Nights When I Don't Sleep

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Location: Apartment

Time: 2:00 A.M.

The speakers shook me from my sleep. The white pale walls vibrated from the up beat music and the whirl of the fan gave me a headache.

And thus my night begins of no sleep.

I didn't even try to rest my eyes. I got out of bed and walked to the small balcony next to the window of my bedroom. I sat in the white plastic chair and put my bare feet up on to the rusted metal railing. Slumping I rested my head against the cold wall. The freezing air prickled against my skin and penetrated through my boxers and shirt.

I watched as bulgy white snow fell covering the roof of the paint chipped apartment infront of me

The streetlight blinked.

I sighed and leaned over to grab a cigarette from the box next to the flower pot with nothing but soil and cigarette buts inside.

Sighed once more.

I lit the cigarette and inhaled only once.

What a waste, I thought as I dropped it in to the flower pot and watched it burn out.

A Short NoteHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin