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*Your POV*

You were sat serenely by the lake, enjoying the peace and quiet as you read Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. You were so absorbed in your book that you didn't notice a certain blond Slytherin had come to sit beside you until he spoke.

"You alright there, (l/n)? You look a bit out of it."

You jumped at the sound of his voice and turned to frown at him. "I'm reading, Malfoy. Educating myself. You are familiar with the concept, aren't you?"

He rolled his silver eyes but didn't rise to the bait, an unusual occurrence for your sworn enemy and relentless tormenter. "I came here to ask you something, so if you're done condescending me-"

"You want to ask me something? What is it that the great Draco Malfoy doesn't know? Aside from how to be a civil human being of course." You shot back.

Malfoy crossed his arms and leaned back against a beech tree. "I'll take that as a no, then." He drawled.

You sniffed contemptuously and went back to your book, trying your best to look supercilious, though you couldn't help but be curious about the so-called question that he had for you.

So, after a few moments of staring blankly at the pages in your hands, you let out a small huff and glanced at him. A smirk played over his pale lips as he caught your bemusement. You scowled at him, irritated by his behaviour, and he raised his eyebrows, also remaining silent.

Several seconds went by in which you frowned and he looked amused, which only served to annoy you more.

Finally, you couldn't take it and snapped. "Fine. What is it?" You bit out.

Malfoy's smirk grew. "Well, that's no way to ask, is it, (l/n)?" He said apathetically. "Go ahead and say it nicely, and maybe I'll answer you."

You let out a heavy, vexed sigh as you attempted to muster up the ability to sweeten your tone. "What was it that you wanted to ask me, Draco?" You forced out in a strained attempt at a friendly tone.

His insouciant visage wavered slightly when he heard you speak his name, as you had only done so once or twice in the past, back before you realized he was an utter git.

Nevertheless, it was back up again in moments, the surprise turning once more to indifference. "A bit insincere, but I suppose real civility can't be expected from a blood traitor such as yourself, can it?" He sneered. "The likes of you are only one step up from savages."

You managed to curb the worst of your temper as you closed your book slowly and turned to face him. "Malfoy, please just spit it out. You might have all day to swan around and be a bigot, but I have things to do, so kindly ask your bloody question or leave me be." You said calmly.

He looked for a moment like he wanted to retort, probably in some nasty, Malfoy-ish way, but instead, he hesitated and glanced towards the lake. Suddenly the elegant Slytherin looked a little awkward, much to your gaiety.

"Right, well, I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to accompany me to Hogsmeade this weekend." He said, still staring into the dark water.

His words had sounded sort of stiff, almost as if they'd been rehearsed several times. Suddenly the image of Malfoy practising different lines to a mirror in preparation for this moment flashed through your mind, and you let out a soft laugh. You could just see him nervously reading speeches off of his palm as he stared beseechingly at his reflection.

The real Malfoy copped a look tinged with hurt, obviously thinking you were laughing at him for asking you what he had. That hadn't been the reason, of course, but now you thought about it, that too seemed bordering on ludicrousness. No, scratch that. It was full on ludicrous. He hated you. Why in Merlins name would he propose going to Hogsmeade together? Had he been cursed? Had he hit his head? Had he finally lost the plot?

"Why?" You blurted out.

He glanced at you, and you noticed a pink flush creeping onto his pallid cheeks. You could see him calculating what the best thing was to say, but when he spoke, you were taken aback, as the words that exited his mouth were surely not the ones most to his favour, especially when regarding his pride. "I like you." He'd tried for nonchalance, but wound up sounding unsure.

This time you did laugh at him. Not a short simper, but a proper laugh that went on until you were struggling to breathe. You only stopped laughing when you caught a glimpse of his face (which was now completely red) and realized he wasn't joking.

You gave an awkward chuckle as you sorted yourself out, trying to gain your composition. "...You weren't kidding..." You said, which was quite obvious if you were being honest.

Malfoy drew in a sharp breath and began to get to his feet. "No." He said shortly. "I wasn't."

You stared down at the book in your lap as he started to walk off, a million thoughts running through your head. You probably shouldn't have done what you did next. You had no clue why you did it, to be honest. But neither of those things stopped you from jumping up and rushing after him.

"Wait!" You caught his sleeve and he glanced at you, his expression somewhere between embarrassed and annoyed.

"What?" He grumbled, his pride obviously starting to dust itself off and kick back in.

"I never answered you." You replied.

He let out a sharp laugh. "You might not have said anything, but you definitely answered me."

"I wasn't laughing at you!" You protested, knowing what he was getting at.

Malfoy raised an elegant eyebrow and gave you a look like, 'Oh?'.

You faltered. "Okay, so I was." You admitted, causing him to try to pull away. However, you tightened your grip stubbornly, and he was forced to stay where he was. "But I'll still... I'd still like to go with you." You said gingerly.

He opened his mouth and then closed it again in a very intelligent manner. He didn't reply verbally, but he did manage a soft nod.

"But." You said, pointing at him warningly. "I have five rules."

"Only five?" He quipped.

You rolled your eyes but otherwise ignored him. "One, you have to be nice to me. I know that should be a given due to the circumstances, but this is you we're talking about. Two, no stupid Malfoy bigotry or prejudice. Three, Pug Face stays away from us. Four, (insert a rule that you have). Five, you are not to pretend this hasn't happened around the other students because you're ashamed to be seen socializing with a 'blood traitor'." You mimicked his somewhat whiny voice as you spoke the last two words. "If you're embarrassed to be seen with me, tell me right now and Hogsemeade is off."

Malfoy nodded. "Fine." He said. Then he added, "Pug face?"

"Parkinson." You said dismissively, releasing his sleeve. "Are we done?"

"No." He replied, making you frown. He smirked and stepped closer. "I have my own rule."

"And what's that?" You questioned, raising your eyebrows.

"You have to hold my hand." He said softly.

You looked as if you were contemplating that for a few moments. "Alright." You said in fake reluctance. "If I must."

"Good." He said simply, backing away and straightening his robes. "Now we're done."

And then, before you could say Salazar, Malfoy had stalked off the way he'd come, leaving you to stare after him and mull over what had just happened. The only problem was, you had no idea what that was.

What you did know was that you had a date with Draco Malfoy.

A small smile curled your lips as you gathered up your book and followed the Slytherin prince back to the castle.

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