Why is Tally Sad? {Chapter 2}

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Tally's POV --5:00 am--

I'm sitting at the window stall, tears running down my face as I watched the snow fall.

Why would Luke dump me? He's probably with Jessica Cardy a.k.a that devil who likes him!

I thought I was going to have fun moving back to Ohio! But no, I got in a frekkin plane crash, my boyfriend dumped me, and now I think I'm getting a cold!

The only good thing that's happened is that I'm back with my best friend's! "Hey hey!" I heard Beth so I turned to her.

"Hey hey!" I said and she sat on the opposite side of me. "Can't sleep?" She asked and I nodded. "You?" I asked.

"Yep!" She sighed. I coughed into my arm and Beth looked at me worried. "You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah I just think sense I was in the pool then the snow gave me a cold!" I sniffled. Then we heard Isaac cough from in his room. "And same with Isaac!" I laughed making her laugh too.

"Want some hot chocolate?" Beth laughed. "Please!" I groaned making her laugh again. "kay BRB!" she said then walked downstairs.

I coughed in my arm again and my throat practically died. "Bleh-heh!" I said putting my head against the window frame.

I heard Isaac laugh then he sat next to me. "Hai!" I sniffled. "I feel yucky!" He sniffled then rested his head on my shoulder.

"Same here!" I laughed while messing his hair up more than it is now. Then Beth came in and handed me my hot coco.

"Shank chu!" I laughed then drank some. "Chu welcome!" She laughed. She left and I noticed Isaac fell asleep on my shoulder.

Awe cute! I put the cup of hot chocolate down and moved Isaac to my bed. "Woah!" He said in his sleep. Okay that's adorable!

I laughed then climbed in next to him. Soon my eyes began to get heavy and I fell asleep engulfing my pillow.

Isaac's POV --7:30 am--

I woke up to my arms around Tally's waist and tears running down her face. "Tally?" I asked but remembered my sore throat making my voice crack. God I hate being sick!

"Tally!" I whispered while shaking her. "Tally!" I whispered again. Nothing. I grabbed her and hugged her. Why is Tally sad?

She cried into my shoulder, other than that it was just really quiet. "Tally why chu crying?" I whispered.

She got up, went to her desk, came back, and gave me her iPhone. I took it and read the texts from a guy named Luke!

Luke: Hey...um Talia, I need to tell you something!

Talia: I'm busy, but okay!

Luke: I'm breaking up with you!

Talia: ......

Luke: Bye!

Talia: Jerk...

"Oh, sorry!" I said disappointed that she used to have a boyfriend. She walked over to the window stall, sat down, and burried her face in her knee's.

I walked over to her and hugged her. Who would ever want to break up with Tally? She's amazing! Any guy would be lucky to have her!

"It's his loss, he doesn't deserve you Tally!" I said and she looked up at me. "Thank you!" She sniffled then hugged me.

"No prob!" I smiled then kissed the top of her head. YAY SHE IS SINGLE!!! (<--- *facepalms*)

A/N: Greeting's Fellow Tardis'! Hope you like Chapter 2! Sorry I haven't updated, I have school 'til 2:30 pm but on Wednesday I jave school 'til 12:30! And so YEAH!! That is all for this time if you enjoyed this chapter leave a vote and comment and I will see you next time! *Salutes*

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