I'm Coming Home! {Chapter 1}

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Isaac's POV

I woke up to crying. At 4 IN THE MORNING!! COME ON!! I got up, and went downstairs. Everyone had tears coming down their cheeks. "What.happened?" I asked.

They pointed to the TV and I unsurely watched it...

TV: "This morning, at 3:00 am a plane heading to Mount Veron Ohio crashed caused by a lightning struck! The pilot and most almost all the passengers died! But one girl, Talia Morgan, survived the crash! Here she is now!"

Talia: "Hai!" *waves*

TV: "Talia I have one question probably everyone wants to know, how did you survive the crash?"

Talia: "Well I told everyone to grab something, like when I lived in Ohio we had tornado and other stuff like drills, and I remembered to go under a table, something like that! I told everyone else to but non of them listened and yea..."

TV: "Talia why were you coming back to Ohio?"

Talia: "Well first SUPRISE JORDS BETH ISAAC AND CIERRA I'M COMING HOME!! And second I missed them WAY too much!"

TV: "What do you mean your coming home?"

Talia: "Ugh! Okay so when I was 11 I lived here, Mount Veron, but my Mom made me move to California and it's been 5 years and guys if you watching GERONIMO!!!"

"OH MY GOD!!" We all yelled. Then we heard someone bang on the door. "FRYE'S, OPEN THE DING DANG DOOR!!" I heard Talia yell.

I ran to the door and opened it. "ISAAC!!" She yelled. "TALLY!!" I yelled then hugged her for what felt like forever.

"Gosh when did you get so tall?" She asked. "I don't know! Why are you so short?" I laughed making her laugh too.

"TAAALLLLIIIIIAAAAA!!!!!!" Beth yelled then tackle hugged Tally. "GINGER!!!" She yelled then ran away.

"HEY COME BACK!!" Cierra yelled and chased her then Talia ran back down and jumped on my back. "WHO GAVE SALLY WAFFLES?!?" Talia yelled making all of us laugh.

"WAIT YOU WATCH ARE CHANNEL?!?" Jordan flailed his arms making us laugh more. "WELL NO DERR!!" Beth sassed him making us cry from laughing.

"Beth you haven't changed have you?" Talia laughed and Beth nodded. Then she got a text message and her smile turned into tears. "Tally what's wrong?" Jordan asked.

"Every frekkin boy in the universe!" She said then ran up to Beth and Cierra's room. Beth ran up after her and so did Cierra.

"Probably shouldn't of asked that!" Jordan said and I hit the back of his head. "Hey!" He said then smacked my face with pillow.

"You are dead!" I said then grabbed a pillow and hit him in the face making him spaz out. I was now on the floor laughing.

"You know it would probably crush you if I told Tally you liked her...." Then slowly backed up the stairs.

I stopped laughing and shot up. "Yea same with Kyara!" I said and he stopped. "You wouldn't!" He said. "I would!" I chuckled.

"Lalalalalalalaalalalalalalalalalalalalalala...." Talia said with her finger's in her ears and walking to the backyard with Cierra and Beth following her yelling "OMG YOU DO!! YOU DO LIKE HIM!!"

Like who? Ross Lynch? If so I KNEW THAT!! "LALALALALALALALA!!" Talia yelled passing us again making us laugh.

Then Cierra and Beth ran back to her. "LALALALALALALA ISAAC PUT ON A SHIRT LALALALALALA!!!" Talia yelled while passing us and my eyes widened as Jordan laughed like crazy.

I ran up stairs and changed in my Venturiantale shirt then ran back down then bumped into Talia, well fell onto Talia.

"Hai!" She laughed. "Hey!" I laughed too. "SOMEONE GET THIS BOY OFF ME!!" She yelled and I blushed, then got off, ran in the tree house and sat in a corner.

What the heck am I going to do? God why do I have to like her? It was so much easier when I was 11!

Talia's POV

"YO GOOMBA! WHERE ARE CHU?!?" I yelled walking around the pool. "ISAAC!" I yelled laughing a bit. "BOO!" I heard someone yell behind me making me scream then fall in the pool.

I swam up and moved my hair out of my face to see Isaac laughing like crazy. "YOUR DEAD!!" I yelled then got out and chased him.

I finally got him and pulled him in the pool after yelling "GERONIMO!!" then jumped in with him. Then it started snowing "Okay really Ohio!" I said after swimming up making Isaac laugh.

We quickly got out of the pool, with him pulling me back a couple times, then he put his jacket around me then ran in the house laughing.

"That snow came out of no where!" He laughed making me laugh more. Then it turned into a blizzard! Seriously Ohio?

Then a big breez came in and I hid behind Isaac making him laugh. "IT'S COLD!!" I whined and he laughed.

"Let's get you some clothes!" He laughed then ran upstairs, then about 3 minutes later he came down with a old flash shirt and some sweat pants.

He laughed and gave me the clothes. "What did you do?" I laughed and he laughed more. I looked threw the clothes and found a pair of old boxers.

"Okay so?" I laughed. "You don't mind?" He laughed. "I wear boxers anyways dude!!" I exclaimed.

"Why?" He laughed. "They're more comfortable than the one girls have!" I laughed and he facepalmed.

"Your such a boy!" He laughed. "Am not!" I laughed. "Fine! Go change now!" He laughed.

"How rude!" I said then walked in the bathroom and changed. God it feels so nice to be back!

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