Chapter 1 (The beginning) (Yag's pov)

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I woke up to the sound of yelling in my face. I jerked awake and saw my dad in my face. "WELL?" He yelled "ARE YOU GONNA MAKE ME SOME BREAKFAST OR NOT?" "Sorry da- I mean sir.." I said apologetically. He rose his hand and struck me in the side of my face. I fell of my bed and hit my head, hard. He glared at me, turned, and stomped out. I struggled to get up and sat on my bed. I rubbed the side of my face and clenched my fist in anger. I turned and punched the wall repeatedly hard. I stared at my bloody fist and a tear rolled down my check. I got up and went into the kitchen.

I placed the plate of pancakes down on the table gently and looked at my dad. "Hm, you can go to school now." He scoffed. I grabbed my bags and ran out the door.

2 hours later

I sat down in my seat and stared at the ground. "Hey look, it's the bitch who likes girls!" Called someone. Every since I had a big crush on one of the popular girls and I told her, she told everyone and now I get beat up almost everyday. One of them grabbed my arm and yanked me out of my seat. I looked around frantically for the teacher but realized she was late.. again. They slammed me against a wall and started to move closer. I closed my eyes and a tear rolled down my face

1 hour later

I bursted inside my house and slammed the door closed. I had left school cause I couldn't stand seeing them for another 6 hours. Tears kept streaming down my face. Today was way worse than any other day. I was completely covered in blood and bruises. All I am is a stupid 17 year old who likes girls.. I've had enough, I'm going to end it. I walked over and grabbed a kitchen knife. I raised it to my throat but then stopped. Why end myself when I can get revenge on others?

5 hours later

The door opened and slammed closed. "ALEA!" Yelled my dad. I walked over to him holding a short sword I found in his room. "Don't you mean Yag?" He opened his eyes wide and backed up. "Don't you dare..."

I yanked the sword out of his head and blood spattered everywhere. "I'm going to get revenge on the world... but I'm going to need others to help." I thought for a second and snapped my fingers. "I know someone from work." I said smiling. She was the only one that knew about my problems and was actually nice to me. "I'm done being the one being controlled, I'm in control now." I said grinning ear to ear. "First I'm gonna need a mask."

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