Chaper 3 (slapped) (slappers pov)

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I woke up to the bright light of the sun. I groaned as I turned over. "Ugh, time for school." I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked around my apartment and stood up. I live in a cheep apartment by myself. Both my parents died when I very young so I had to fend for myself. I was homeless for a long time but then I got a job and saved up some money. I just lost my job yesterday though because I'm to much of an aggressive person. I finished up getting dressed and I grabbed my bag and walked out the door

I walked out of my apartment and started to walk. "I don't feel like going to school, I'm just going to skip again." I said to myself.

I walked over to a small stone bridge and sat down. "Oh look, it's the aggressive bitch." Said a prissy voice. "Not this bitch again.." I groaned. She walked over to me and smirked. "You're so stupid. Your to aggressive that no one likes you, and you'll never get a boyfriend." She laughed. "I don't care bitch, now back off." Then she kicked me hard in the side of my face. I fell and hit my head on the stone. I got up and slapped her in the face. "I SAID BACK OFF." I screamed. I then pulled out my pocket knife and stabbed her repeatedly. I started to cut each limb off one by one. She screamed a bloodcurdling scream. Blood sprayed everywhere. I threw the body parts into the water. I grabbed the head and stuffed it into my bag. I then began to cut open the chest and grabbed the heart. I put it into my bag too. I smiled ear to ear and began to laugh. I then realized I had a taste for murder. I want to be apart of a group where I feel like I belong. A place full of murders and people like me, like, a cult. A place where I can't leave. Then I heard footsteps. I turned and looked around. Two people covered in blood and with masks walked up to me. "WHAY DO YOU WANT." I said backing up. "It's ok, we mean to harm. In fact we're just like you." Said the one with a red mask and rainbow designs. "I'm Yag and this is Ghost." She said. "We're forming a cult full of murders, would you like to join?" She said muffed through the mask. "What a coincidence.." I thought to myself. "Of course." I said smiling. "Now, you need a code name, what will it be." "Well how did you guys get your code names?" I asked. "Well, mine is Yag, I'm gay and Yag is gay backwards." "I'm Ghost, I'm white as fuck and no one really notices me and I'm pretty silent like a ghost." Said Ghost. I thought for a sec and then remembered how when I get mad I normally slap them. "I'll be slapper, because I slap people a lot." "Well, let us go and find others like us." She said. "First though, we have to make your mask, mine is red because I'm the leader and everyone else's has a black base and other designs." I then realized that I finally have a place where I belong, and People I can call  f a m i l y.

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