Chapter 4 (fuck love) (breadsticks pov)

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I sat at my desk drawing with blood one of my ex friends and listening to classic rock. BING. I looked over at my phone. It was a text from my crush. We both liked each other but I wasn't ready for a relationship yet. "Where are you?" I squinted in confusion. "What do you mean?" I texted back. ""I'm at school waiting for you, school is about to start." I gasped and stood up. "I HAVE TO GET DRESSED I DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE I HAD SCHOOL TODAY, MY ALARM DIDN'T GO OFF."

I ran to the entrance of school gasping for air. My crush walked over to me. "It's about time.." he said smiling. Then the school bell went off. "We should get to class." He said. "Yeah, let's go." I Said.

I walk down the halls and someone come up next to me. "Why are you still here, you should go and kill yourself. I turn and sock them in the stomach. I pull out my pocket knife and cut open his stomach. I put it to his neck and slit his throat. He coughs violently but the coughs slowly start to calm down. His eyes roll back into its sockets and he stops breathing. Warm blood gushes out onto my hands. I put my pocket knife away and pick him up. I walk over to a bush and throw him in. "Now all I have to do is clean up the blood.

I walked into the cafeteria and sit down. I normally sit alone, I sometimes sit with my crush who's also my best friend but sometimes he prefers sit with his other friends. He doesn't really like to sit with me since I have a bad reputation of beating up people since I don't put up with peoples bull crap. Then I see my crush and his friends walk into the cafeteria. They all point at me and walk over. "Hey look it's the dumb cunt." Said my crush. My jaw dropped in disbelief. "I don't get how I was ever friends with you, you're so pathetic." He said laughing. "YOU TRAITOR I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND." I yelled. I grab a breadstick and tackled him. I shoved the breadstick down his throat and he began to choke and cough. People gasp and begin to stare. His eyes start to roll back into his sockets and he stops breathing. One of his friends go to punch me but I duck. I get up and sock him in the face. I grab my bag, and run out.

I walk over to a tree and sit down. "I feel so numb.." I said out loud. "It's ok." Said a voice. I turned around and looked around. A group of three people with masks walk over to me. "Hey back off you cunts!" I yell stepping back. "Before you say anything just listen." Said the one with a red mask. I rose one eyebrow and squinted. "We're making a cult to take over the world and get revenge on everyone for how they treated us. Would you like to join?" She Said. "Will there be blood involved?" I asked. "So much blood." Said the girl with the red mask. "Then of course." I Said snickering. "Now, lets go get you a mask and find some others."

The tea spillers ☕️🖤Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ