Popular ~ Corbyn Besson

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Requested by: Faith_loves_1D

               NOT EDITED

Faith's POV

New day of school is another day in hell. One highlight is going to school with Corbyn.

Corbyn was my crush. He is so dreamy is Th his fake blonde hair and gorgeous eyes. His smile and laugh are so amazing.

However, he was a popular football player. And I was a nerd or loser.

His ex is Christina Marie, she is so pretty. They have been on and off for years now, but he finally told her that he was done with her.

Christina always picks on me and bullies me. I speak up, but she ends up hurting me more.

I threw on some leggings, a hoodie, and some slides. I threw my hair into a messy bun since it wasn't brushed.

It was exam week so the schedule was all messed up so I didn't bother to put on make up or dress up.

I walk downstairs and grab my car keys.

I yelled.

I hear Zach's feet stomp down the stairs.

"I'm here now."
He says.

(A/N: I made you Zach's sister.)

I took my car keys and got into my car. Zach followed and shut it.

"So, how are you and Kay?"
I asked him.

"I honestly can't even with her. One minute she loves me and then the next she breaks up with me. I can't handle her."
Zach says with a groan.

I let out a series of laughs as I pulled up to the school.

(A/N: I understand that people like Kay and Gabbie and Tate and Christina. I have come to like Tate and I don't like Kay and Gabbie. I have always liked Christina, but I'm iffy about Kay and Gabbie, but don't hate because I'm not hating on them☺️)

We arrived at school and we got out of the car. I threw my book bag over my shoulder and began walking into school with Zach next to me.

He leaned against the locker next to mine as I open mine.

"You wanna leave school after lunch?"
Zach asked.

"I have to do something after lunch, hoe about after 5th period we can take some friends and hit up the mall?"
I asked.

He nods and turns around.

"Fuck, it's Kay."
He says.

I look over and see her trying to run through the crowd of people to Zach.

"I'll cover for you."
I said.

He thanks me before running off to the boys restroom.

She stops and looks at me as I shrug. She rolls her eyes and walks to class.

I smirk to myself and shut my locker.

I hear.

I look around and see Christina running towards Corbyn.

Corbyn turns around and frowns.

"I told you Christina, I'm done."
Corbyn says.

"But you never mean that. Please, Corbyn."
She says.

Why Don't We Imagines {DISCONTINUED}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя