Bed of Roses

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        Ivy soon sat Harley down in the stolen car she took to get there. The poisonous villainess sighed lightly. She got in the driver's seat and looked over at Harley who was pouting and cradling her wounded knee close to her chest. Ivy took a breath, looked in the rear view mirror, then pulled out into the road. Harley realized the position she was in hurt more than when she had her legs down so she placed her feet on the floor of the car. She looked out the window, ashamed to catch Ivy's glance. It was only a misunderstanding. Harl sighed. It's always a misunderstanding.

        The ride was silent. Harley didn't want to explain what happened and Ivy didn't want to scold her while she was in such a state. Once they got to her greenhouse, Ivy did exactly what she said she would: lay her on a bed of roses. It was soft. They had retractable thorns, being the mutated plants they were, so it felt nice. They were strong, so Ivy wasn't worried Harley would crush them. It felt like laying on a cloud, almost. Certainly a better feeling than being curled up on the hard, wooden floor of a funhouse. Ivy sat next to her, running her fingers down Harley's pigtail, untangling a few knots on the way. Harley closed her eyes and smiled.

        "You're too much, Red." She stated before opening her eyes to glance at the flora fatale. Ivy grinned back momentarily then shook her head.

        "You know how much I care about you. When he hurts you, it hurts me." She said in all seriousness. Her hand left Harley's hair and she stood to go to her lab. Harley tried to sit up to watch her leave but Ivy held a hand up to her, gesturing for her to stop. She walked away, leaving Harley with a pout. Harls ran her hand over the rose petals and soon Ivy returned with a medical kit.

        "Ivy, it's not that bad. Really, I'll be-" Ivy cut Harley off by sitting beside her and placing her wounded leg over her lap. Harley sighed deeply and prepared herself for the stinging sensation Ivy's disinfectant would cause. The disinfectant was carefully applied to a gauze and dabbed on Harley's wounded knee. She winced in pain and grit her teeth.

        "Ooooo! Red, it burns!" She whined, gripping tighter on the roses. Ivy looked over to her then down at the roses.

        "Careful!" She said with narrowed eyes. Harley paused then soon realized what she was doing and lightened her grip on the plants.

        "Sorry." She shrugged sheepishly. Ivy looked back at the knee and continued to clean it, Harley whining all the while. Soon, Ivy rolled her eyes at the jester. She took a breath to control her annoyance then held out a hand. Harley looked at it then at Ivy, unsure. Ivy nodded to her hand and Harley slowly took it in her own. Grasping tightly, she took a breath. Ivy continued cleaning the wound with one hand, occasionally getting assistance from the vines around them to hand her things. It was dead quiet in the large greenhouse for a while. Perhaps they were both too lost in their own thoughts. Harley thinking about what happened that day and wondering what she did wrong and how she could prevent it from happening again the next time she sees her puddin'. Ivy thinking about how much strength it will take her not to strangle the psychotic clown the very next time she sees him. If he was dead, Harley would be safe. Heartbroken, but safe. Ivy wasn't convinced, however, that it was real love. Harley was.

        After the knee wound was patched up, Ivy looked at Harley's disheveled clown makeup and shook her head. She used her free hand that wasn't holding Harley's to lift her chin up. She wanted to say something. She wanted to say a lot of things. Why don't you stay with me? Why don't you leave him? Why can't you see the truth?

        Harley's eyes slowly travelled up to Ivy's green ones when her chin was lifted. She sighed, wanting to ask many questions as well. Why did he do it, Red? Why does he lash out like that? Why don't you believe me when I say he loves me? Because he does, right?

        The women stayed silent before darting their eyes away. They both knew what the other wanted to say. They've had these discussions time and time again. They always ended with the same conclusion: Harley would stay with Joker.

        Their hands slipped from each other's grasp. Ivy collected her materials then handed them to a vine to bring back to the lab. She took a breath and looked down at Harley who's eyelids got heavy but tried to remain open.

        "Get some rest." Ivy broke the silence, getting up from the bed of roses. She turned to walk away.

        "Thank you." Harls piped up softly. Ivy paused, looking at the clown over her shoulder. She nodded.

        "Anything for you, Harl." She replied. Harley's bright, red smile widened as she closed her eyes.

        At least she would always have Ivy.

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