Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

Me: Enjoy it?

Nadia: To be honest with you, I still feel sparks.

We both start laughing at that thought. I couldn't disagree with her, I could feel them too.

She stands up and walks towards the door. I snap out of my daydreaming as she places a hand on the door handle.

Me: Where are you going?

Nadia: I'm going to run back to the pack house. I should tell Garret about our plans.

I feel like breaking out in song and dance but I stay calm. Just knowing she is going to tell Garret that we're finally going to be together is more than enough.

Me: Sounds good.

I get up and jog towards her then grab her hand. She turns towards me and smiles as I lean towards her. She meets me half way and kisses me back.

Me: I'm happy.

Nadia: Me too. But I better get going and you better get back into bed. You have broken ribs mister. Get some rest.

Me: On it.

She turns the door handle and walks out, but not before sending me one more smile.

I go lie back in bed and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

Nadia's P.O.V.

After I leave Tegan's house, I run to the woods and transform into my wolf. I prance around in bliss for a few minutes before I start my run towards home.

A lesson that I learned early on in life, if something really good happens, something happens to balance it out.

I didn't realize that it was balancing out until after I felt something hard hit my side. I figured it out just after I hit the tree.

What really knocked my brains out of place is when I saw a giant red wolf standing over me. Or maybe it was the ten other wolves that were surrounding him.

All I know is that this isn't going to end well.

The red wolf runs behind a tree and transforms into his human form. He stood at just below 6 feet tall and had broad shoulders. His face made him look like he has been through a lot even though it didn't have scars on it. His bright blue eyes looked like they were staring into my soul. This has got to be one of the scariest men that I've ever seen.

Red Wolf: Change. Here's a set of clothes.

He reaches down and grabs a t-shirt and shorts that were in a wolf's mouth. He throws them at me and I hurry to get changed. Not because I was scared, it was because I figured that if I didn't change back then he'd make me change back without the clothes.

I walk out from behind the tree and stand in front of him. I try to show that I'm not scared and that he isn't a creepy guy.

Red Wolf: Hello Tegan's mate.

I don't reply back to that because I already have it figured out. These guys must be the ones that took over Tegan's kingdom.

Me: What do you want?

I'm surprised at how strong my voice came out, but I'm not the only one. The red wolf looks taken back at my bluntness. He smiles afterwards.

Red Wolf: We should've known that Tegan's mate was going to be like this. After all, he's the exact same way. He has been for as long as I can remember.

Me: Cut the crap. What do you want with me?

Red Wolf: I need you to stay away from him.

Me: No.

This statement shocks him again because he finally shuts his mouth.

Red Wolf: How about this, I'll let you live if you stay away from him.

At this point, I try to contact Garret to tell him about the rogues. Well, I think they're rogues.

Red Wolf: You won't be able to contact your alpha.

I scrunch my eyebrows up in confusion. Then shake my head.

Red Wolf: Stay away from Tegan.

He starts walking in circles around me and I'm just trying to think. It's impossible when he keeps talking.

Red Wolf: I'm sure you have already figured out that we're with the people that took over his kingdom.

I still don't react.

Red Wolf: If we have already found out where he is, what makes you think that we don't already have people close to him?

This surprises me but I don't let it show.

Red Wolf: It could be the young rogue that's now living in his house.


Red Wolf: Or his best friend.


Red Wolf: Or maybe someone at the school, like the lunch lady.

I start to think of all the people that could harm Tegan. He trusts nearly everybody here. These guys know about Jackson and Dylan, which tells you that they've been around here for a while.

Red Wolf: We could have him poisoned, or stabbed in his sleep. We could even hang him from a tree and drain him of all of his blood. The vampires would love that.

The images start flying through my mind. It's possible.

Red Wolf: Stay away from Tegan or I will make him a vampire snack.  After I'm done with him, I'll go after his little sister. Then I'll come and play with you.

He transforms back into his wolf and runs away, leaving me standing there.

Tegan's P.O.V.

I'm standing there while holding Nadia in my arms, just appreciating having her near me. Her heat is now over, and no, we didn't mate.

I feel her hands against my chest and she pushes me away. When she looks up at me, worry fills me. Her face looks very stressed and sad. This can't be good.

Nadia: I'm sorry.

I tilt my head as if to ask her what she means but I get my answer.

Nadia: I, Nadia, reject you, Tegan, as my mate.

Hello my lovely readers.

Sorry for the late update.

A lot has been going on.

I got into a car accident and messed up my knee. They told me that I came close to breaking my tibia and if I don't stay off it, I probably still will.

So I must not be very smart because it's been a week and I still can't stand on it for more than 10 minutes. But I'm sure that I'll be okay.

The day after my accident, I received a phone call from my grandma telling me that my cousin died in a car accident downstate, the same type of car accident that I was just in.

The viewing was on Monday and his funeral was yesterday. I'm still really bummed out about it.


We have someone who has earned that dedication!

Congratulations to StareFire_Wolf for being the closest to guessing what was going on with Nadia.

We also have to thank mollyhope for the awesome new cover for The Return to Black Woods.

Thanks Molly.

The next question is..............


In my book Dragons vs. Wolves, Xera decides to prank people later on in the book. She had two partners in crime. Who were they?

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