Chapter Six: Jackson

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While wandering around for a bit, I heard my name mentioned over someone talking about people who were staying in this stadium. Well whatever the person was talking about he was right as I just so happened to be staying, there ain't no way I was going back out there for a while. I shrugged though as I made my way along the throngs of people that went about their business, the anxiety amongst us still had not faded since I arrived. I don't entirely get it, we're safe, aren't we? 

I walked around some more, and I just so happened to see that preacher dude gathering a crowd around him as he once more fed more of his well, preaching into their heads. There was talk about him gathering up many and leaving this place but I honestly didn't see the point. He'd have to have some sort of good excuse for doing so otherwise. Wow though, just listening to this guy talk doomsday for a while is almost like sitting through a drama show or something that you'd see on television, not that I'm particularly interested in what he's going on about. In fact, I think I'm even more interested in being here for a while longer instead of leaving overnight and risking running into a horde of the undead and that's exactly what I've come to notice in a few people that I've occasionally seen around here. Well if I'm staying I ought to find better things to do than wander around all day, maybe I'll write some more entries in my journal on the off chance if things ever revert to normal I'll look back on times my dream- excuse me, my nightmare came true.

I decided to sit down since my feet were a little sore from walking around this massive stadium people watching. It's strange how I got to familiarize and even get to know many of them despite hardly any of us having any interaction at all. I don't even know their names, only their faces. While I was thinking about this I happen to overhear some of the guards nearby, four of them to be exact sitting on a bench having some drinks, their weapons at their side. I was expecting them to sound a little more laid back and happy, though their conversation was anything but cheerful. 

"Last night was hell. Did you guy's see how they crowded down at the entrance?" One said with a rough scratch to his voice. "Dude, how could I not? I was right there at the doors hearing all that pounding. They actually looked they were all gonna get in for a minute there..." Another responded. "I was scared, man. I thought we were doomed till Rick over here got us some flamethrowers and made undead BBQ out of them. One of them actually got through and was a walking torch at that point before he just collapsed. Had no idea we had those but damn straight I'm grateful" A third spoke up with a timid tone. 

My heart nearly stopped when I heard something had happened. How can this be, that this safe zone is already potentially falling victim to disaster?! I haven't even been here that long, and I sure as hell don't wanna go back out there. I decided to keep listening.

"It was only a miracle we managed to patch up the doors in time. My only problem now is with that much smoke, it's sure to draw a horde of them here. I think it's high time we get ready for a fight." Another one said.  

I quivered at the idea. There wasn't a thought that could comfort me at that very moment. I thought I was safe, I thought everyone around me was safe and that we all could thrive here. Turns out nothing really does last forever as I continue to hear the severity of the situation in their conversation grow, as they talk about an evacuation, another stating it's "every man for himself" and the other is just willing to accept the inevitable. It's formed this strange mixture in my mind that threatens to drive me nuts, to the point where I ask if I even want to run away from all this death any further, or let it consume me and see my friends again. 

I, of course, fell silent as I decided to head to the makeshift pub they had going on to get a drink to wash away this depressing hassle away with a tsunami of bliss and flavor. I didn't care, I just didn't wanna think about it. 

Upon arrival, getting in line then awarded with a drink, I took a seat down at one of the free tables that were there, hardly any people around me but their chatter filled in the quiet that I did not wanna be in. I took out my journal again and read through many pages while taking the periodical drink of my salvation at the time. I cherished each page I read like it was the ropes pulling me out of this nightmare and back up into the light of nostalgia. 

Eventually, I ended up falling asleep right there, laying on the table with my head resting on my journal, drifting away to dreamland. Though it would not be a place of sanctuary, rather tragedy as in my sleep my head fills with haunting images of the undead racing in after a failed defense, many of the people I've seen during my time here quickly reduced to the same awful fate. The Zombies seem unstoppable as their numbers continue to multiply the further their feast extends, with no one able to do much except try and run for their lives. Most of the guards had been killed in the beginning before they even breached the Stadium which left the majority of us to fend for ourselves, which of course didn't go well. 

I tried pinching or hurting myself but it didn't seem to work through the adrenaline filled dream, as I continued to try and evade the undead that swept through all the survivors with ease. It wouldn't be till I came across a downed guard, gun still in his now cold grip that I would find my escape. I quickly grabbed the weapon, put it to my head, and before I could pull the trigger I woke back up sometime later, sighing with relief seeing some new people had entered the pub area. I recognized some I saw before I slept stuck around, but new faces walked in to take their places. I decided to go and get another drink as a warm welcome back from my restless nap, the man giving me a sympathetic and concerned gaze almost as if he saw what I just went through in that dream flash in my eyes, responding silently with his gaze that pretty much asked what on Earth I was doing. 

I gladly took the drink and went back to my seat to take a sip. Apparently, I left my journal on the table from my hastiness, and someone had sat down reading it. I didn't know who they were but they looked interested as they read it's pages, and I quickly sat back down to join them. He had noticed quickly and gave me the journal back, sparking conversation about what he had read which then led to him starting to relay to me past experiences and good times the gentleman had before all this went down. 

I listened quietly as he continued to speak fondly of the written pages upon my journal. He spoke as if the world was normal again, it felt nice.

"I really loved your last entry though, really brought out the reality of how things are."

His words went spearing into my brain as I downed my drink, I did not see no point in reading now that the world was ending but I was glad that someone acknowledged my written words. I slid the cup back and got out of my seat, taking my journal and stuffing it back in my back pocket. I walked down the field hearing conversations upon conversations. Some spoke of conspiracy theories about aliens or some shit. Others, the wrath of God. To me, I feel as if it's some type of sickness in the air, maybe we are all infected and we are oblivious.

The sun shone upon my skin as I witnessed a situation going on, the military men are packing up and leaving this hell hole and into a worse one outside. I did not bother to say my words to them, but I did eaves drop. They all wanted to go back to their families, some in another country. Maybe in another country things are not that bad. Maybe the virus just got to here, in America. I sighed at the thought, not believing the words in my head and continued to eaves drop on the mens conversation.

Before I could get anymore information the men took off in a army decorated truck. The other civilians gathered around me with their mouths agape. I shook my head at the poor efforts of keeping this country safe. Some army.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2019 ⏰

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