Chapter 5: The X Spheres

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  The trio, after finishing the level one, leaves the game to go to one of the indie games, Blocks That Matter, the teens are amazed to see that the universe is similar to the real world. "What if we defeat Cypress?" Nate asked.

"With the spheres, we know what it gives to you." said Reyna.

They see the indie game Blocks That Matter as they walk next to it, the game is a 2D indie puzzle platformer published by Swing Swing Submarine, Nate, Libby and Reyna goes through the game before falling into a tube, it takes the trio as Nate and Libby are screaming, sliding into a black background and falling through the title, before falling into a underground cave, the three friends find themselves in the underground as they look around.

"Blocks That Matter..." Nate was shocked. "OK, Ms. Cross, this game have some blocks."

"May I push it?" Libby attempted to push it, she tried to push the block as a drilling sound is heard. "Is that somebody?"

"Somebody, Libby." Reyna whispered as she pulled out her whip.

The blocks kept being drilled and drilled as another one gets drilled, revealing a small robot named Tetrobot, the playable protagonist of the indie game, the trio stares at him with surprise, as Tetrobot makes drilling sounds.

"Who is that thing?" Libby asked as Tetrobot drills in confusion. "A robot?"

"His name is Tetrobot, kids, he collects blocks by drilling them or hitting them, he contructs shapes using four blocks." said Reyna.

Tetrobot starts to make drilling sounds by saying: 'Nice to meet you' as he goes near Libby, she stares at him horrified as she tries to get away from him.

"Please, don't come close to me!" she said as she thought that the robot is about to kill her, she starts to make a drill sound saying: 'I'm not here to kill you.'

"Libby, he is not mean, he is nice." said Nate as he grabs Tetrobot. "So, Tetrobot, Do you know where the X Spheres are?"

Tetrobot drilled in response as he starts drilling some blocks and hits them, they warn the trio to follow him by making his drill sound: 'Come on, I know where the X spheres are!'

"Did he make drill sounds to communicate with us?" Libby explained to Reyna.

"He never speaks, but, he makes drill sounds to communicate with us." she said.

  The trio followed Tetrobot through the Block tunnel, they crawled as the robot keeps drilling the blocks, Tetrobot notices a stairway of blocks with a treasure chest in the top. "This is where the X Spheres are." said Reyna.

"Tetrobot, drill the chest." Nate ordered.

Tetrobot followed his order as he starts to drill the chest, when he keeps drilling, some shades of green swirl pops out from it, Nate, Libby and Reyna watches the shades flying in front of them, they are amazed that the shades are flying until they explode in a green X, revealing the five X spheres as the trio grabs them, Nate watched the sphere device with curiosity.

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