Random - The MindCrack Ball

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A/N: So if you've read much of my stuff, you can pretty much pick up on the fact that this piece is wildly out of my normal style. Basically, my sister and I got into an argument where she claimed that we basically couldn't help each other with our respective writing projects because she couldn't write adventure and I couldn't write romance and unicorns. Well, there's no unicorns, but it is romance. Just to prove to my little sis that I can write stuff that I typically choose not to.

 For the purposes of this story, I invented a sister for Vechs and an ex-girlfriend for Kurt. Because it's fiction and I could. So. Here we go. Worst romance thing in existence.


 Kurt flipped through his mail. Ads, bill, more ads. He went to dump the advertisements in the trash and the frantically tried to catch a small envelope that slid out from the pages. Glancing over the envelope, he recognized Guude's address, neatly slit it open, and removed the sheet of paper.

 “Oh,” he sighed. “The ball. Of course.”

 The letter was an invitation. Guude had decided that the group spent all of their time together dealing with fans and wouldn't it be nice to have a meet up just for them? Pause had asked about bringing Andrea and the idea for the first ever Mindcrack Ball had been born.

 “You should go. You would enjoy it.”

 The voice sounded so real that Kurt actually looked around for her. But Nora was gone.

 “Sure. I'll go to the ball and watch everyone else hang out with their wives and girlfriends. Why am I arguing with a dead woman?”

 “You should go.”

 “I know.”


 “Guys, you all are standing as witnesses that I did not start this.”

 “You may not have started it, but you're definitely not ending it, you little snot.”

 “Oh I'm ending it,” the girl replied as she selected the TNT and moved the flint onto her hot-bar. “Now be a good little brother and hold still.”

 Vechs laughed. “I want you to think about what you just said and who you said it to, Clocks.”

 Rylee, or ClocksOnBlocks, had only been youtubing for a few months, but it was clear she loved it. And Vechs had to admit to himself that she wasn't half bad. The girl had a flare for the dramatic that served her well. And she was pretty good at TNT spleef, too, he thought as the cobble beneath him disappeared and he narrowly missed falling through the hole left by the explosion. It was a narrow reprieve, though as a second blast knocked him into a hole behind him and he fell to his death on the obsidian below.

 Rylee laughed. “See, I win. Now own up. I'm the best.”

 “Tell you what,” Vechs said. “How about next time we play a Super Hostile and see who dies more?”

 “You are on, Vetchus. Whichever map you choose. The viewers can hold you to it.”

 “We should sign off, though. See the viewers later?”

 “Yup. How is it you do it? Until next time, take it easy?”

 “Aw, you stole my line.”

 The pair ended the recording, but left the skype call going.

 “So have you thought about my offer, Ry?” he asked, leaning back and lacing his fingers behind his head.

 Rylee pushed the mic back away from her face a bit and opened her video editor. “I don't know, Vince. It's supposed to be for the MindCrackers and it's not like I know anyone but you.”

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