Random - "Indeed"

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Sometimes, I wonder what these long breaks from a series would be like if Minecraft were real. One of my favorite MindCrackers is Kurt and he doesn't make a ton of videos on the server, so I got to wondering what it might be like if he were planning to leave MindCrack. Who on the server would be most likely to notice and how might they try to persuade him to stay? This is my take on it.


 Kurt looked around the spawn town and shook his head. What could he contribute here? There were already so many shops, houses, and games and Kurt had never been known for his building skills. What had he been thinking?

 It had been a little over a year since he had come to live at the MindCrack, but he often felt the pull westward and was known to leave for long periods of time. Now, everyone had picked up and moved to a new location and what good was he?

 Zisteau, the pigman who had joined the group atroughly the same time, had already taken Kurt's one idea, mapping the MindCrackers' new island home. And, Kurt had to admit, he had done it much better. Zisteau's 'map room' and surrounding zen gardens were beautiful and intricate. Now the pigman had moved on, out to the New Territories, where he was already well into another huge project.

 What had Kurt done? He had lauched a Juno spacecraft just outside spawn near Bdubs' modern house. Most of the MindCrackers didn't even know it was there.

 With a sigh, Kurt dug himself down into his little hidey hole and blocked the entrance behind himself. He could probably just stay down here and no one would ever miss him. Maybe it was time to head west again. Maybe it was time to move on.


 Mhykol stepped into Avidya's spawn dojo. The pair had participated in UHC 10 as two of the three members of Team Sobriety and had stayed in contact since.

 "Mhykol! Thanks for coming!" Avidya called from around a corner.

 "How do you do that, man?" Mhykol asked, bemused. "You couldn't see who I was."

 Avidya shrugged. "Footsteps are different, dude," he said. His rich, smooth tones were often a point of jealousy among the other MindCrackers.

 "If you say so," Mhykol replied. "So, you wanted to see me about something? You said it was important."

 Avidya frowned at the other man. "I never said it was important."

 Mhykol laughed as he took a seat on the floor, mimicking his friend's cross-legged position. "You sounded worried," he explained, "and if you're worried, it's always important."

 "Well," the zen master admitted, "it is important." He leaned back, palms flat on the floor behind him. Mhykol's face twisted, imagining the strain on his own thighs if he tried that position. "It's about Kurt. Truth is, I'm afraid we're losing him."

 Mhykol frowned, considering Avidya's statement. "Kurt? He's been a little distant lately, I suppose, but isn't that just Kurt?"

 "Sure, to some degree," Avidya agreed. "It does make it extra difficult, but he's usually at least up for a jaunt with his friends. Lately he's been almost impossible to contact."

 "Whaddaya think's wrong?"

 Avidya met Mhykol's eyes, his expression serious. "I think he feels unnecessary."He held up a hand to forstall Mhykol's protest. He already knew what the other man was going to say. But, of course, Kurt was necessary. Everyone loved Kurt and the MindCrack wouldn't be the same without him. "Listen. Kurt's not a builder, he's not a redstoner. He doesn't want or know how to make mob farms. He's not a fighter. He's an explorer. But what place is there in the MindCrack for an explorer?"

 Mhykol shifted positions, leaning back on his hands and extending his feet in front of him. "You know, you might have a point there. I guess feeling inadequate makes sense. I mean, it's hard to compete with Beef, Bdubs, or Zisteau as a builder."

 Avidya nodded. "They are good."

 "The best," Mhykol agreed. "Anyway, what do you think we're going to be able to do about it?"

 "I... don't know. But we're Team Sobriety. We've got to do something for him."

 "Well, let's go visit him, I suppose. Has he even got a base?" Mhykol asked, sighing.

 Avidya sat up, cocking his head. "Sort of."


 "He's been living out here?" Mhykol asked confused. "Where?"

 Avidya led the way over to a small cobble piller and stomped on the ground.

 "Come on in," called a voice from under the ground. "Just break the dirt."

 Avidya did so and he and Mhykol slipped down and inside, finding themselves face to face with short brown hair and a pair of 3D glasses.

 "Kurt!" Mhykol exclaimed happily.

 "Hey guys," Kurt replied, a sad smile on his lips.

 "What's shakin', dude?" Avidya asked, pulling up one of Kurt's wood stair chairs.

 "Seen Juno?" Kurt asked.

 Avidya nodded and Kurt's eyes lit up happily. "NASA sent Juno out to study Jupiter so I thought-"

 "Kurt, we need to talk to you," Mhykol interrupted. "Juno's facsinating at all, but..."

 "We're worried about you, Team Sobriety brother," Avidya said.

 Kurt sighed, his shoulders slumping. "Wolfie's waiting for me," he said, his voice distant and his eyes seeming to stare past them. "I think I'll be leaving for a while soon." "Kurt, don't leave," Mhykol pleaded. "What am I gonna do without my Season 14 partner?"

 "Guys," Kurt said, standing. He was noticably taller than either of the other two and he seemed upset. "Listen. I'm not doing anything here. Wolfie and the children need me. I don't want to leave, but what good am I doing here?"

 Avidya reached for the holowatch he wore on his left wrist and pushed a button. A scene appeared of the three of them stalking Millbee, Anders, and Nebris through the swamp. He pressed the button again and the scene changed. This time, Etho, Kurt, Bdubs, and Anders, Zisteau, and Doc playing King of the Missle Silo. The next scene showed Kurt pranking Beef. Kurt meeting Vechs. Scene after scene after scene of Kurt making the other MindCrackers laugh and enjoy life or Kurt making things exciting for everyone involved.

 "We're not saying you can't have Wolfie and the Far Lands, too, but come back," Avidya told him.

 A tear slipped from beneath Kurt's glasses and he buried his head inhis hands.

 "Mhykol, Avidya, thank you," he gasped around the lump in his throat.

 "So you'll stay?" Mhykol asked, excitement and relief flooding his voice.

 "Yeah. I'll find something that's for me."

 "That's the Kurt we all know and love!" Avidya said, leaping up and giving Kurt a hug. "Team Sobriety for the win!"

 Kurt cracked up laughing and Mhykol and Avidya joined in.


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