Prank Wars - Hail, Canadian Overlord!

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 "What? What?" Beef's voice was disbelieving as he stared at the biggest moose he had ever seen. His mind flashed back in sudden realization to a hockey rink and a giant bag of milk. The ghosts of his, Etho's, and Pause's laughter echoed in Beef's ears.


 It could only be a retaliation prank from the Brit, this giant, levitating moose statue.

 "Adlington," Beef sighted, "you could've at least made it look like a moose. It's just a giant replica of the one we made for you."

 Beef moved closer to the moose. Below it, a smaller moose statue rested on the ground, a few signs left by the pranker near by. Beef sped read them, mumbling the the words under his breath.

 "The moose abducted me and forced me to build this statue," Beef read , the disbelief creeping back into his voice. "I wouldn't touch it or you could anger the moose gods."

 Beef turned to stare at the moose again. Pause. Pause and Etho had pranked Adlington with him. Surely they would have been pranked, too. He headed for the nether portal.


 Pause's home was empty. There was no moose, just the glass-covered pit that Pause had dug out as a home. Beef couldn't believe it. Sure, Pause hadn't been there for the whole thing, but that shouldn't excuse him, should it?


 "Adlington, there had better be something at Etho's place."

 There was nothing at Etho's place. The strange apartment complex perched precariously on one of the mountains was deserted. Beef leaned over the edge, peered down to check the lake Etho had made in the valley inside his circle of peaks.

 "Why no moose?" Beef cried, agitated. "Why do I have to be the only one to pay the price?"

 Beef headed back into the portal. His fists clenched at his side, a faint flame of anger burning in his eyes. That moose was about to learn a lesson Adlington would never forget.


 Beef tossed the lighter from one hand to the other He was inexplicably nervous and found himself talking to the man he knew couldn't hear him.

 "I am burning this whole thing down, you hear?" Beef muttered as he climbed up.

 Wooden moose statues burn well. Though the Canadian had to clamber up twice more, once running the length of the statue's back and nearly falling to his death, Beef soon had the construction removed. With a sigh, the butcher left the area and headed back to his hillside home. Behind him smoldered the remains of the massive Canadian icon, the smaller statue looking on.

 Beef never looked back back, though he did pause at his door. For a moment, one hand resting on the handle of his now open door, he hesitated. Then with a shrug he stepped inside and pulled the door shut behind him.

 If he had, perhaps he would have seen the eyes, hundreds of them, watching him.

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