The boy panics, swiveling around in circles, scanning every inch of his surroundings. How the hell did I get back here?

"Lee Felix."

The boy freezes at the call of his name from behind him. He contemplates what to do, running seems like a good option, but he tried that last time. Facing them seems like the worst thing to do, but he doesn't have much else. He could fight his way out of there, but his body is incredibly weak from the running he isn't even sure actually happened.

Sucking in a deep breath, Felix makes his decision. He slowly turns around, coming face to face with two cloaked figures. The hoods and the little light illuminated from the lamps in the park doesn't give Felix much of an idea of what the two look like, which only scares him more. His bottom lip quivers and his eyes begin to water; he really hopes this is only a vivid nightmare and that he is at home on his couch, passed out from exhaustion. Felix desperately wants this to only be an anxiety dream, and that there are not two daunting figures in front of him, who could possibly be plotting to murder him.

Felix feels his breath catch in his throat as the two figures begin to approach him. Running would do him no good, and fighting would be useless. This is how I die; Felix says a quick goodbye to his family before squeezing his eyes shut and preparing for the worst.

The time ticks by and there is no pain, no new feeling at all. Isn't death supposed to hurt?

Slowly, Felix lifts his eyelids open, almost instantly meeting one of the people standing directly in front of him. The cloaked bodies raise their arms, lifting them to the hem of the hood, pulling it off their heads and letting it fall to rest on their backs. The hoods less obscure their faces, and the light helps Felix make out more of their features. Both tower over Felix, but the male with shaggy silver hair tops everyone and Felix feels the back of his throat itch from the dryness.

The two males in front of Felix do not speak, but eye him up and down, seeming to examine every inch of his frame. Felix wants to shrivel up under their intimidating gaze, he wants to run and hide, but knowing it would never work he stays planted on the grass, his legs standing firm, unaware that he isn't the one keeping himself there.

The slightly shorter of the two smiles widely after a few moments and Felix isn't sure how to take it. His once terrifying grimace flips so suddenly into an almost friendly, warm smile.

"See I told you he was special!" The raven-haired male exclaims to his giant-like friend.

"I can sense it, he has overwhelming energy to him," the raven-haired male adds, "he's one of us."

Felix's eyes widen at the statement, one of who?

"We can't say for certain that he is," the tall silver-haired male states, "and even if we could, taking him with us isn't an option. It's illegal to come to the Miscreant's world."

"But we can't just leave him here," the shorter counters, "he isn't one of them."

The taller pulls the strings of the other's cloak, causing him to stumble forward. A few hushed words are shared and Felix isn't able to catch anything, but he doubts he would understand it even if he could hear. Though they are all speaking the same language, Felix feels completely lost in the words uttered by the two strange men. This has to be a dream; it is too insane for it to be reality. The two males in front of him seem to look like normal humans, but Felix has a gut-wrenching feeling that they aren't exactly that. Impossible, this is a dream, a very vivid dream.

"I'm not leaving him!" The shorter exclaims, loud enough for Felix to hear.

"Yes, we are!"

"No, we aren't!"

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