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Chapter 481: This Is An Insult To Yours Truly's Style!

Translator: Lam_ Editor: Hitesh_

Those rescuers that had appeared did not have weak cultivation states. In fact, a white-robed man, who was wielding a longsword, had a cultivation state that was way higher than the leader of those ancient race tribesmen.

By the looks of it, this operation should go pretty smoothly.

However, Lin Fan was wary about one thing. If the ancient race tribesmen were killed each time some people ascended, wouldn't that be too fake?

"But something's off. No matter how dumb the ancient race tribesmen may be, they couldn't possibly allow the thousands of races out there to succeed each and every time, right?" Lin Fan surveyed from the dark, observing the scene carefully.

"Eh? The ancient race tribesmen seem to be really calm." Lin Fan observed the expressions on their faces. It was starkly different from the shock they had shown when he himself was rescued back then. They seemed extremely relaxed, as though everything was under their control.

"I know that man! He's Bai Yichen of the Sword World! He is really strong! He's an azure celestial full cultivation being!" Xia Zehua commented on the scene before him.

Lin Fan opened up the fugitive list and looked through it. And indeed, he was startled for a moment by this guy's ranking.

Even though it wasn't that far ahead, it was still amongst the 600,000+. Comparing his own ranking, that was in the tens of millions, he was unable to beat this guy.

"Seems like we don't have a hand in this any longer. That Bai Yichen has unparalleled sword skills. In fact, he's even famous amongst those of the Sword race. Big Brother Lin, should we retreat now or continue watching?" Mu Liang asked.

"Watch..." Lin Fan was a little unhappy with that comment.

Famous? Hmph! When Yours Truly gets stronger, his name will surely ring out across this entire world! By then, he would be way more famous than this person here!

Even though those people who had ascended did not know what was going on, they were naturally excited on looking at how help had arrived for them.

Sensing the auras emitted by these people, even their very hearts skipped a beat.

They were the sovereigns of their own Lower Worlds. Therefore, they were naturally haughty. However, sensing how much more powerful everyone who had come to rescue them was, they did feel a little dejected as well.


"They're fighting...they're fighting...!" Mu Liang gasped out.

The sharp blade in Bai Yichen's hand glimmered with a bright glow as his unparalleled sword will sliced through the Heaven and Earth. In fact, it was on a whole new level even compared to Lin Fan's sword will.

"That doesn't make sense..." Looking at how the other races were having such an easy time taking down the ancient race tribesmen, Lin Fan was even more bewildered.

Of course, it wasn't because Lin Fan didn't want the ancient race tribesmen to be eliminated. But, wasn't everything going way too smoothly? Could he be overthinking things? Were those ancient race tribesmen really just plain dumb instead of just acting out?


Suddenly, the entire sky reverberated for a moment. Even Lin Fan and the others had felt this aura.

"It's here..." Lin Fan frowned. Indeed, it was as he had suspected. The ancient race had definitely prepared something this time around.

The skies in the distance began to darken gradually as grey clouds covered the entire stratosphere. Within those pitch-black clouds, a crack began to appear.

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