"She's here," I whispered. I opened my eyes and Grey smirked, leaning down and pressing his lips to my forehead. 

"I'll meet you downstairs when you're ready. Try to slow your heart rate, love, she can tell you're anxious," he winked at me, turning and leaving the bathroom in his usual slow saunter. 

I sucked in a deep breath.

I didn't need to be anxious. She was just friends with Grey. Grey said she wanted to help me. Grey said she would like me. It would all be okay. 


I turned on my heel and headed out of the bathroom, leaving Grey's room and heading downstairs. I could hear the mumbling of chatter from the living room, and I honed in to focus on what they were saying. 

"-strong, but needs to work on fighting midair, if you wanna help her with that," I heard Grey explain. 

"Sure. You said she's got strong wings? Fighting in midair only works if you can actually stay in midair," a foreign feminine voice replied. 

"Yeah, she's strong. She got her wings from me," Grey replied. 

"And there's that arrogance I was missing," the voice laughed. I heard Grey chuckle in return. 

"I knew you would miss me. It's impossible for anyone not to," Grey retorted. 

"Cool the ego, Grey," she snickered,"-but this girl, she's-?" Her voice raised slightly at the end, as if in a question. 

"She's important," Grey replied softly. Once my foot hit the ground, the talking stopped. I turned the corner, walking into the kitchen and into the living room. 

There she was. 

She was shorter than me by a few inches, and much more tan that I was. I mean, it didn't take a lot to be tanner than me, but she looked like she lived under the sun. Her dark eyes narrowed slightly on me, as if trying to figure out if I was going to bolt or be friendly. She had brown hair a few shades darker than her skin that stretched down to her waist in soft waves, and it fell over her shoulder as she leaned forward in her seat slightly. 

"This is the part when you say hi, sweetheart," her lips curled up in a friendly smile. I pulled my lips into a thin line, nodding. 

"Sorry, hi, I'm Jordan," I offered, walking towards her and outstretching my hand. She looked a little amused as she shook it. 

"I know. You don't have to be so nervous. I don't bite, you know. I mean, not unless asked," she winked playfully and Grey rolled his eyes. "He's an old man, he doesn't like my jokes," she leaned forward slightly and whispered. I smiled now- I mean an actual smile, not that polite shit I pulled before. 

"Thank you for coming to help me finalize my transition and help us figure out this mess," I glanced briefly to Grey, his expression hardening at the last part. 

"Of course. I knew he'd call at some point, he always gets himself into deep shit every century or so. I just didn't exactly expect him to drag someone else with him this time," Siena chuckled slightly, eyeing me. "Why'd you let him do that to you? You don't seem stupid." 

I snorted. "This one's my fault, actually. He was just the lucky Fallen assigned to recruit my soul for Hell. He couldn't have known my soul would've caused all this," I frowned slightly. 

"You have some shit luck," Siena turned to Grey and Allison snorted beside me. Grey sighed, rolling his eyes. 

"Tell me about it," he grumbled. 

"Anyways, I'm happy to help. Grey and I both Fell for similar reasons. He didn't like following orders, and I prefer to think for myself. But I also Fell because I wanted to be able to love whoever I chose to love, and if this is what it takes to get Heaven to change its mind on love- I'm there," she smiled. 

"Thank you," I replied. Siena nodded, turning to Grey and then looking back at me. 

"Alright, well I need to go pass out for a bit. I'm tired. Which room am I taking?" She glanced to Grey, standing upright. 

"It's the one next to Allison's- the one at the end of the hall," Grey replied. 

"I can show you where it is," Allison offered, standing up as well.

"Cool, thanks," she turned to me, smiling slightly, "-it was nice to finally meet you, Jordan." 

"You too," I nodded as she headed into the kitchen and then upstairs, following Allison. Once she was out of earshot, I glanced to Grey, who was already eyeing me suspiciously. 

"Well?" He urged. 

"I like her. She's fun," I smiled and Grey leaned back in his seat happily, his lips curling in a content smirk. 

"Good. I think she likes you too," he murmured. There was a pause. 

"Because you told her I'm important?" I asked in a soft whisper. Grey's cool eyes flicked to me, his pupils dilating slightly. 

"You are important. To me." 


I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to update. Classes are starting to pick up again and by the time I have a minute to write, I'm so mentally exhausted, all I wanna do is sleep. 

Anyways, what do y'all think of Siena??? 

I'm thinkin' of redoing aesthetic boards for each of the characters present in this novel, because the Grey ones are slightly outdated now. Let me know if that's something you'd like to see. 

Have a good week y'all, I'll see you next week with the update for Chapter 8!


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