Chapter 4: Want Mate!

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Chapter 4: Want Mate!


Titus felt happy and nearly content yet he knows he still lacks something that he knows his Veela senses have been screaming at the back of his mind. At that thought, his mood drops and it wasn't unnoticed by his parents, Severus Snape and Tom Riddle.

"What's wrong my little Princess? What's with the sudden drop of mood?" Tom asks him worriedly, Severus kneeling in front of him with a worried expression etched on his usual mask of calm face.

Titus wanted to write it because he knows that his voice won't be trusted as of the moment, but at the same time, he wants to let his parents - wow, that felt quite weird to think of as of the moment but anyhow - have an idea as to what he really feels about this subject.

" M-my... M-my mate i-is... i-is nowhere n-near me! I-I'm s-scared! W-what if they r-reject me the moment t-they see me? W-what if they don't like t-the idea of m-me as their m-mate!?" Titus said, starting to hyperventilate as the negative thoughts swirl in his mind. "W-worst, w-what if it wasn't D-Draco!? I-I don' wan' anyone o-other than D-Draco!" he declared to his parents his little-but-not-so-little crush for his so-called arch-nemesis, Draco Lucius Malfoy, the son of Lucius malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy nee Black.

"A-and w-what if h-he won't accept me!? What if-" Titus shut his mouth with his hand, only realizing at that moment that he had been rambling to his newly found parents about his crush on his alleged archnemesis and his worry about Draco not being his mate. He felt embarrassed, his cheeks redder than Dumbledick's phoenix's feathers, turning even darker than Gryffindor Red when he realized that the Potions Master and the alleged Dark Lord aka his parents now knows his secret crush to the alleged Dark Lord's right hand man's son.

"I-I'm so-sorry, I-I didn't mean t-to rant. S-Sorry..." Titus apologized to him ranting just a few seconds ago even though there was nothing to apologize for in the first place. He saw the contemplative looks on Severus' and Tom's face, he thought that it was such a ridiculous idea to even rant about his crush in front of his parents.

There was an eerie and awkward silence between the Riddle Family for what felt like hours for Titus when in fact it has only been just a few seconds until Tom chuckled, then full on laughing afterwards at the ridiculous situation at hand, Severus playfully glaring at his spouse, although not without letting out a small chuckle after realizing how ridiculous the situation truly is.

Titus couldn't help but let his eyes get beady with tears as he thought about how his parents were laughing at him for ranting about his Brobdingnagian crush at his arch nemesis. He felt helpless and he feels weakened at the thought of his own parents making fun of him.

At that moment when Severus saw tears forming in Titus' eyes, he slaps Tom's arm violently, Tom suddenly flinching at the sudden pain in his arm. Severus had to do something to comfort his princess. He knelt in front of Titus and cooed at his softly, wiping away the almost shed tears in his eyes. With a worried tone and expression, he slowly manages to calm Titus down and not burst into tears anymore.

"My dear Princess, we did not mean to upset you or anything. What we were finding funny was the fact that it seems as though your creature has already known which mate you've wanted in just a few hours of being a Royal Submissive Veela." Severus explained with a worried tone yet with a fiery glare at Tom, who has fallen silent after getting slapped by Severus in the arm.

"R-Really?" Titus wanted to confirm it so that he can accept this reality yet he still feels confused and lost about it, the whole concept of having his parents here, having a mate to call his and to be claimed as theirs and to be taken care of for once in his life.

"It is true, my princess. Most of the newly-inherited creatures often take a few days or at least a few months to have a classified mate and give a name to their parents." Tom smiles at Titus softly, his eyes telling his son the truth about what is the usual case.

"It seems to me that because of your newly unblocked magical core, it made you be to be able to figure out who your mate is in just a few hours. I told you, some take a lot more than that when figuring out who their mate is. It is also probably the strong affection and deep attraction that you feel to your mate that made you figure it out on your own. By the looks of it, you have both the qualities of a strong relationship with your mate." Tom explains giddily to Titus, Severus nodding in agreement to what Tom said.

Titus could not believe it, he was a special case? He was unlike others? Oh, he doesn't know if it's a good or a bad thing. Everything that has happened to him has always been a special case and it doesn't always turn out to be good. 'But for once,' he thought, 'being a special case might not be that bad for once.' He smiles at them widely and giggles, which emits another look of surprise to both Tom and Severus since they haven't seen the boy so happy.

Nonetheless, Tom and Severus smiles at Titus for they love seeing their boy happy. They knew at that moment that they have to protect this innocent boy at all times, especially after a tragic death of Nymphadora Tonks, the young boy's favorite witch and Metamorphmagus of all time.The poor boy was shocked at this news and had shut himself off for weeks in Gryffindor Tower, refusing to go out to eat nor attend his classes. The only time he decided to get out of the Tower was when Mcgonagall gave him an earful and when he also got a howler from both Sirius and Remus saying how they were disappointed at him for doing such a thing.



Please just try to understand my situation right now.


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