Chapter 6: Heathen War

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The sound of the water was taking you far away from your thoughts

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The sound of the water was taking you far away from your thoughts. The men were bringing the boats near to the margins, some of them helping to raise the camp. You heard the characteristic sound of Ivar's crawling before he came, sitting next to you, but your eyes were still down the river, looking to the lands forward...

"Thinking too much, sister," he said, trying to catch your attention, but your eyes kept looking away, so he tried to tease you in order to make you look down on him "You don't need to be afraid, he won't die so soon".

"Who are you talking about, Ivar?" you asked, but he just smirked, looking at you with those blues so intense eyes, reading your soul like an opened book "Did you think I wasn't going to see? Hvitserk doesn't stop looking at you. And you seem to be far away since you two slept together that night... With Ubbe."

For a second you saw yourself naked in front of his eyes. It is just like everybody knows what you did and for just one second you felt exposed and judged. But before you could say anything, Ivar kept talking, dismissing the terrible sensation from your dry throat.

"It doesn't matter, I meant, the three of you are grown up men and woman. But you're not trying to hide, neither is Hvitserk. I can see clearly that you two like each other. Why don't you stay together?" He asks, looking at you with interrogative blue orbs.

Ivar was right: why don't you just tell him how you feel? Why have you never tried to talk with Hvitserk again since you two slept together? You just kept looking at each other from a secure distance like both of you were afraid of what you figured out that night, neither of you trying to take the first step ahead. Maybe fear of the unknown. Maybe fear of each other. You couldn't say exactly, but one thing you were certain: You didn't want to discuss it with Ivar, for sure. So when he looked at you, you saw the perfect opportunity to change the subject: his eyes were too blue this morning... So you poked his shoulders softly, warning about the situation, trying to get yourself out of the focus: "You shouldn't be crawling around, Ivar. Your eyes are pretty blue this morning, brother. Let's put yourself in a safer place"

"No way!" he grunted annoyed and you got what you wanted "I will not stay out of father's avenge!" the subject wasn't you anymore. Even then, it was dangerous to let Ivar unguarded on a day so critic and maybe he would be pissed, but you would want to be with him at the chariot, just to be sure nobody would try to hurt your little brother.

"Why is the crippled pig already grunting?" Ubbe arrives, mirroring your godfather's way to talk about his sons, giving you a nostalgic sensation that made you smile.

Instead of you, Ivar doesn't seem to be happy about seeing Ubbe, he looks away, surely trying to avoid Ubbe's glance.

"I'm telling him to be careful because his eyes are pretty blue today". You say, causing Ivar to grunt annoyed again as Ubbe picked up his jaw, turning his face to him "Let me see it," he said looking into Ivar's fierce eyes, concerned and confirming what you said "(Y/N) is right, Ivar. Is better if you..."

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