Chapter 5: Meeting With The Pack

Start from the beginning

But a growling voice reaches both of you, causing Hvitserk to part his lips from yours slowly, without put away his body from yours. Your breaths crossing each other as his blue eyes were staring your (y/c/e) orbs. "It seems your answer is yes..." Ubbe mumbles from the hall, leaning against the wall, arms crossed. He was looking at you and Hvitserk as you two were kissing each other. In his lips a smile quite satisfied.

You didn't answer his words. Instead of it you slowly leave Hvitserk's warm body, walking toward Ubbe, seeing when his eyes become clear, his body straightening away from the wall's support, his head leaning down so he could look right into your eyes. Silently you touched his face, holding it in your hands before laying your lips on his, giving him a passionate kiss, a little bit more tempered in desire than Hvitserk had received.

His hands grabbed your hips, pulling your body against his as he tilted you softly behind, deepening the kiss you two were switching in a delicious expression of the desire you could feel in his virility, hard enough inside his pants for you to feel it through his clothes when he squeezed your hips against his.

You felt Hvitserk's hand sliding through your back and Ubbe parted the kiss staring your eyes with those savage blues... They seemed to be so different... You could see all the desire in Ubbe's eyes, his hands were heavier, his touches burning your body.

Hvitserk, otherwise, was soft and gentle... His tenderness and care making you believe that he was a deliciously patient lover who would devour your smallest details into hands, mouth, sweat, and heat.

"Come, (Y/N)." Hvitserk invited, his hand extended toward you. "Come with us" he smiled.

You knew something was sounding wrong in doing what you were pretending. But you accepted Hvitserk's hand, following with Ubbe just behind you, hunting your movements as a wolf staring his prey. They took you to Ubbe's room, in which the fireplace was already alight, heating the ambient. Ubbe seemed hungrier for your taste: he left the door open behind him, catching your lips on a hard kiss as soon as you entered the room. Hvitserk giggled, locking the door as Ubbe ran your entire body with his hands, landing them on your thighs, pulling your dress up until he could touch your skin, squeezing slowly and grunting against your lips, seeming to be in pleasure for having your skin in his hands finally.

Slower, Hvitserk's hands landed on your hips, sliding through the sides of your body when he came closer, breathing on your hair, feeling your smell with closed eyes. His hands continued, exploring your shoulders, taking the hair out of his way to your neck and nape, where he landed his lips in sweet and warm kisses, shivering your entire body, causing you to moan against Ubbe's lips.

He groaned excited, and Hvitserk giggled against your neck.

"You really turn Ubbe on, (Y/N). So as you do with me. Can you feel how much you made us fools for you? Can you feel how much we want you?"

His voice whispered in your ears like a serpent lisping a bite to come. His hands still sliding through your body while Ubbe's, most desirous, were entering your dresses passages, exploring your skin directly.

"Let's take it out...It warm inside this room, don't you think, (Y/N)? Oh, I'm hot and thirsty... Are you thirsty, Ubbe?" Hvitserk questioned while undoing the knots of your dress closure and Ubbe smirked against your mouth. "Not for long, brother... Not for long".

He put his body back just enough for Hvitserk slide your dress away to your skin. Ubbe undressing from his shirt as Hvitserk's hands now was running your nude back, pushing the cloth away from your surrendered skin, touching it on his soft fingertips before laying his lips on your skin again making a deliciously wet trail from your lower back up to your nape.

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