Interviews and lies

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The band Without A Conscious released their first official album and was a big hit within the metal community. They had sold over thousands of copies the first few days it released, another funny thing is that RWBY released the colab they did with (y/n) the day before. (Y/n) was happy for everyone and was told Salem was going to have a party to celebrate. She had told the group to dress nice because she told them that people who wanted to meet them for magazines and other media wanted to meet the group. This took the cake for the group, not only were they on their way to stardom but people already thought they were there.
The group was getting ready in an extra room Cinder had gotten ready.

Billy:I hate wearing suits!
Mj:Its just for tonight, and besides a girl likes a nice guy in a suit.
(Y/n):Just try to enjoy yourself for us?

The guys joined Cinder to a ballroom Salem had rented for the occasion and people bombarded the group. They asked question after question and they happily answered them. Most of them were simple ones like "how did we make the band" or "Who's the mastermind" and the band answered honestly.

Everything was going great until one reporter went to (Y/n) personally.

Reporter:Excuse me Mr.(Y/n), can I ask you questions about the collaboration you did with RWBY?
(Y/n):Of course! What do you want to know?
Reporter: What are they to you?
(Y/n):Well, they're my best friends!

The woman looked at him confused which made (y/n) a little worried

Reporter: That's odd because, that's not what they told me.
(Y/n):Well what did they tell you?
Reporter:Um,they said you weren't anyone special, just some wannabe.

The reporter fumbles around in her pocket and plays something from a tape recorder.

Reporter:So I'm gonna ask what everyone is thinking. Who is the new guy in this new song?!

Weiss:Don't get me started with him! He's just a wannabe star!
Blake:Him and his "band" just plays disgusting noise. They were lucky when Ozpin gave them a chance and turned us down for Salem
Reporter:Isn't Salem Records the new up and coming! Is Ozpin making you say this?
Yang:Nope, that guy was just some sob story. Glad we won't be involved with him anymore.

(Y/n) was pissed and took the tape and left. He tried to enjoy the rest of the party and that he did. He went through a few more interviews and they all performed their new album live.

Hours pass and the party was finally over and he texted the girls to meet him tomorrow at his place. As upset as he was
(Y/n) say down and began to write. Once he grabbed his pencil and guitar (y/n) wasn't going to put it down.

Next day

Ruby Pov

(Y/n) wanted to see us today, I was really worried, we said really hurtful things about him. I didn't want to but, Ozpin said to he said that he knew things about (y/n) that we didn't so he told us to say things about him. When me and the band tried to get out of it He said it was business.

We were in Yang's car and we pulled in his driveway and his door was open again. When we walked in we saw (y/n) asleep with his guitar and we all chuckled.

Ruby:He's kinda cute,I wish we didn't say those things.
Yang:I know but it's busi- wait did you say he was cute?
Ruby:W-what no, Oh look he's waking up!
(Y/n):Oh, you're here, let me get some drinks.

(Y/n) left to the kitchen he wanted to make this as civil as possible. (Y/n) liked being the better person, it was just a special trait that he had. While he made the drinks he heard the girls confused charter and just thinking about the look on their faces made him chuckle a bit.
(Y/n) brought the drinks and passed them around and he went to grab the recorder.
(Y/n): Ok girls I bet what you're doing here.
Yang:One of the things I've asked myself today, yes.
(Y/n):I have two special surprises for you girls. One is called "Dead Rose" a song I was able to write and you'll see why.

(Y/n) played the tape and he was happy with the looks on their faces. He made them sit through the whole thing.

(Y/n): So, why?
Yang:So what, every thing we said was true.

The girls looked at yang in shock and so did (y/n).

(Y/n):You're so lucky that Mj likes you yang. The rest of my group doesn't know about this but if they find out they'll be pissed.
Ruby: W-were sorry
(Y/n):Get out.
Weiss:(y/n) pleas-

The girls were surprised with his outburst but, they knew it was their fault and left. When the girls went back to Beacon Ozpin had called them into his office.

Ozpin:Good work girls

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