CHAPTER 6 - Bullets and Bandages

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Peter stood in front of the wooden desk which needed a new paint job badly, it was beginning to peel, scratched and worn from years of negligence. He eyed the man that sat behind it, watching his hands skim over the paper money. The man sighed and shrugged backwards into his office chair.

"Here, a hundred." He took out two notes from the grand total of three hundred and threw them towards Peter whose eyebrows creased.

"But the prize was three hundred?!"

"Three hundred for three minutes, you were only in there for one."

"Are you kidding me. That's not fair, c'mon man." He strained his voice and clenched his fists by his side in annoyance. Peter had been cheated and he needed that money.

"A hundred, take it or leave it." Peter chewed on his cheek before taking the money. He didn't want to argue with the man, but a fiery rage burned within him.

"Fine." He snatched it up and as he turned around and stomped out the door the man called after him.

"T'was great doing business with you." He called out poorly imitating an English accent. Peter grimaced and pushed the button to the elevator at the end of the gloomy hall. Peter seemed to deflate, he had won but not really. It was not what he was after – not what he intended for. A lesson Peter would have to come to terms with one day. But for now, his attention was turned elsewhere. The hairs on his arms stood on end, he placed a pale hand over it and turned to look behind him. He had no idea what told him to do it, but it was...a strange feeling.

"The money!" A husky voice commanded sternly through the door of the office. "Give it to me now!" The robber aimed his gun untrained hands at the so called business man, he wavered it between the money and him. "Do it or I shoot!"

"Okay, okay." The man replied cautiously moving his hands from the surrender to the table, transferring the rest of the money into the black satchel. The criminal let out a hyena like laugh and bolted towards Peter as the elevator doors began to slide open. Peter stood motionlessly. This was his moment, he should do the right thing. Stand his ground and prevent a crime that could be stopped. But he was too caught up in his anger that he let revenge take over. He took a step to the side letting the robber through, the lift shook around him and the doors began to close. The man behind the desk chased after him but it was too late.

"Thanks kid!" The perpetrator grinned, his crooked teeth visible, a wild look of insanity in his eye. The doors closed leaving Peter stranded in the hallway. He glared over to the panting man who chest rose with fury. This is what you deserve.

"You have no idea what you've just done boy."


Peter exited the building feeling giddy, he may have only got a third of what he was promised but he had gotten his revenge. But the price to pay was much more than he could comprehend. Actions have consequences. As he approached where his uncle had promised to pick him up he came to a stop and looked upon the crowd of pedestrians and policemen who were surrounding something. A hit and run victim, a mugging? Peter inched closer and closer to the scene until his heart stopped. A face he knew. His word slowed as he pushed past the bystanders and cops until he collapsed onto his knees in front of the wounded man.

"Uncle Ben?" He felt tears come to his eyes, glassing over with moisture. "Uncle Ben!" He called out once more as he knelt over his uncle whose bloodstained hands covered a gunshot wound. Peter's body shook, and his hands trembled.

"Peter..." His voice was weak and clinging onto the little life force he had left. He reached out a bloodied hand which Peter clung onto for dear life, he never wanted to let go. "It's okay Pete..."

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 06, 2019 ⏰

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