"That part I understand," Oliver says. "We both do."

"But you have already helped Kendra.You have kept her alive," I say.

"So now let's help her get her wings, and then she can give you a lift back to Central City," Oliver says as I freeze.

"Central City," I say, and Oliver gets it too.

"What?" Barry asks.


"You need to check Central City for the staff," Oliver says as we walk in the Bunker.

"Kendra, you said you were drawn there," I confirm.

"Yeah," She nods.

"I think you're drawn to things that destroy you the same way you two are drawn to each other," Oliver adds.

"That's why it wasn't in any museum or private collection, because it was consecrated eight months ago at St. Mark's in Central City," Felicity explains.

"We've got to get it before Savage does," Barry says.

"Carter, stay here," I say.

"I'm not going anywhere," He says.

"Call Thea and Digg, and we'll have them hold down the fort in case Savage shows up," Oliver says.

"Kendra, last year, I lost my powers," Barry says. "The only way I could get them back is if I just forgot about everything happening around me and focused on who I was. Just believe in yourself, and your true self will emerge."

"Thanks," She tells him.

"Hey, are you sure that you want to do this?" Felicity asks. "If this guy's immortal and Merlyn's right about how powerful this staff is..."

"We'll be fine," Barry says and turns to Oliver. "Kiss her."

"We'll be fine," Oliver says as he goes to kiss Felicity. I smile at them and am caught completely off-guard when Barry kisses me himself.

I grab his coat for support, kissing him and then slowly pull away. He looks in my eyes and winks slightly with a smirk. I clear my throat feeling slightly lightheaded and breathing heavily. I step away from him, slightly stumbling as I say, "L- Let's go."


"What's going on?" Oliver asks Barry as we walk into St. Marks.

"Nothing. I just like to speed into rooms, usually," Barry says as I roll my eyes.

"Uh-huh. Where do you think we find this thing?" I ask. "I haven't been in one of these places in a while."

We stop in front of the place the staff should be- but isn't. "We're too late," Barry says.

"Something you're not used to saying very often, I'd imagine," Savage says coming here. Well.. he may be fast but he's still always late. So he's pretty used to saying that.

Oliver points an arrow at him and Savage asks, "You tried those arrows once before, remember? They didn't quite finish the job, now, did they?"

"I'm not gonna make that mistake again," Oliver says.

"You're gonna leave Kendra alone," I say.

"I can't do that," He says. "While my destiny is to live forever, Chay-Ara's is to die, as is yours now." The staff suddenly glows blue and Savage starts throwing energy blasts at us. I protect myself with my force field and try to throw it back at him.

We then all hide in the back as Oliver asks, "Any ideas?"

"Oh, now you'll listen to me?" Barry asks.

"It's your city."

"All right, let's just try to get the staff," Barry says.

"All right, on my mark," Oliver says. He gets up and starts to shoot an arrow as Barry runs to Savage and to get the staff. When he tries, we are hit by a huge blast of energy as we fall back onto the floor.

Soon, Oliver is thrown back as well and we hear Savage say something in Egyptian Arabic. Me, Barry and Oliver wanna get up as he says, "In all my countless years, I've never encountered anybody with your capabilities. Astonishing!"

"Come on," I whisper to myself, reaching deep within my powers to let my wings appear. I use them and run at Savage, my wings slowly picking me off of the ground as I try to tackle him to the ground.

He holds me still in the air with his powers saying, "Well, I didn't think I would see one of you in this life. Just adds to the fun." He pushes me back and I land on the ground near Barry and Oliver, my wings gone.

Savage goes in for another blast but freezes and says, "Chay-Ara... I used to enjoy slow deaths. Now I just find them boring." Barry runs us all out as he blows the church up.

"Thanks," Oliver says as I nod in agreement.

"Any chance he blew himself up in there?" Barry asks.

"Not likely," I say.

"So that's, like, a tie, right?" He asks.

"I guess," Oliver says.

"I will take it."


"Since when is that a thing?" Oliver asks gesturing to the Flash coffee.

"About eight months. Maybe if you save Star City, you might get one too," Barry says.

"Where's yours?" Oliver asks me.

"I have a Ben and Jerry's flavor named after me. It's superior to coffee," I say proudly, giving Barry a look as him and Oliver chuckle.

"By the way, we still need to get Savage," Barry says.

"We'll get him," Oliver answers.

Suddenly a kid pushes past me and Oliver. "Watch yourself, buddy," Oliver says picking up his figurine. We look at it to see it's a Flash figurine making us smile. "You don't want to lose this guy."

"Thanks, Mister," The boy says bad runs to his mom. I look at the mom and see a very familiar face. I look at Oliver to see him staring at her.

"You see her too, right?" Oliver whispers to me and I nod.

"Oh, god," I breathe out as I stare at the woman and her son.

"Oh, god," I breathe out as I stare at the woman and her son

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Surrender: The Flash (2)Where stories live. Discover now