Chapter 27: One Word... Prom

Start from the beginning

There were new rules after Shane told us his story. One was we couldn’t leave. Finding out Dr. Storm was making an army was still a shock. We don’t know what else he’s planning but in the gym, he wasn’t getting in.

Shane, and Dominic left to get a list. A list containing the addresses of the Orphanages that everyone that was in the Resistance was sent too. I mean, it was like at least hundreds of people. And we needed those people. They said they will be back soon but when they didn’t Jeremy went to look for them and now all three haven’t been back.

It was starting to worry me.

“Come on, will be sneaky,” Ash said, her smile never leaving her face.

“And where are we going, exactly?” Ella asked, crossing her arms.

“To your dorms,” She responded.

“Why? Those rooms much be guarded by really scary people with guns. I’m not going in there,” I said, crossing my arms.  

“Who said you were going in?”


“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” I said, as I looked around through my sunglasses.

“I know right,” Ella said, looking up at the window where Ashley had disappeared too moments ago.

I looked across the street at the school and felt my heart drop. The prom had started. I guess I had to face the face that I’m wasn’t meant to be normal and go to prom.

“Pssssssss,” Ash’s voice came from above me. She had two really big black bags with her. What were in there? Bodies?

“Catch,” she whispered, dropping them. There were way too light to be bodies. I unzipped them to see my prom dress.

“Ashley why...” I trailed off as I saw her ninja her way down from the window like a monkey.

“We have a surprise for you guys....”



Third POV

“Masks?” Lizzie asked, as she looked at the freshman that was passing a plate around with different mask. Lizzie was apart of the Prom Community and she didn’t know anything about Masks.

“Cool,” Jake said, taking one and disappearing into the dancing crowd.

“I just do what I’m told,” the kid said, giving Lizzie two mask and walking away.

“Oh I call the black one,” Ricky said, taking the mask from his girlfriends hands.

He put it, smirking. “Do I look hot?” He asked, making Lizzie laugh.

“Very,” she said, putting her mask on as well.

They were so in their moment they didn’t notice the two girls walking in through the entrance.

Alyssa Olsen smiled as she looked around. This was exactly how she pictured it.

She was at Prom.

Ella’s eyes looked around the gym, scanning the room. Where the hell were their boyfriends?

Ashley appeared behind him, with three mask in her hands.

“Masks?” Alyssa asked, confused as she took one.

“No one will know we’re here,” Ashley whispered, putting her mask on. She wasn’t wearing a dress, Prom was alittle too girly for this assassin. She was only here to help.

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