"Morning Loki. Decided to join in the fun?" you asked her. She was still taller than you, but not as much so as usual. She looked hesitant, worried, unsure of your reaction. So you leaned up and kissed her, just like you would have on any other day. You saw the relief in her eyes and smile.

"It seemed like such fun. Would you care to join us?"

"No, thank you. Not my cup of tea," you replied. You took Loki's hand and led her to the dining room table where you stole more poptarts from Thor.

"How come she gets a choice?" Tony demanded like a petulant child.

"Kærasta," Loki repeated pleasantly.

"Care to explain that word, love? You keep using it and I'd like to know what it means,"

"It means 'darling'" Loki started

"Or 'beloved'" Thor added. You nodded and stored that piece of information away.

"An emergency has come in with a group of enhanced," Jarvis announced.

"Show us," Cap and Tony ordered at the same time. Footage came up on the screen of people blowing up buildings.

"Suit up," Cap ordered. "Loki, lift your spell!"

"I cannot. The spell ends at midnight. Not a moment sooner," Loki replied with a grin, enjoying the chaos. It wasn't really hurting anything, since everyone still had their powers and skills, just the wrong body parts.

"Um...Cap. None of our suits will fit," Nat reminded everyone.

"Sure they will," Loki said pleasantly. "I am not a heathen." Everyone had to have clothes that would fit, and look nice, or Loki would've been sad.

"You and Y/N are coming too. This looks bad and we need everyone's help. Meet us on the flight deck. You have five minutes," Cap addressed that last part to everyone. You and Loki used magic to change into your battle costumes. Loki's was changed for being female today, but she still had the golden horned helmet. Yours was just a plain black SHIELD uniform. It looked nearly identical to Nat's. You tied your hair back carefully.

"Need one?" You asked offering Loki a hair-tie. She laughed and shook her head.

"My hair will not misbehave during a mission." You slipped the hairtie back on your wrist among its friends.

"We better get upstairs," you said a bit nervously. You weren't usually brought along on missions. Cap must've thought this would be bad.

"We will be fine, darling," Loki reassured you as you rode the elevator upstairs. Thor was next to join you. The others took longer getting ready, except Nat, who didn't seem as affected by the body-change as everyone else. She started setting up the jet you were all going to take. Everyone else rushed into the jet and took their seats. You watched excitedly as the plane took off. Loki giggled at your reaction.

"I've never flown before," you explained. "Well, except once, but that was by Thor and not by airplane, so it doesn't count,"

"When did Thor fly you?"

"After he saw what my foster father did to my face. He decided to take me to the Avengers tower that instant," you explained as you watched the world out the window of the jet. It was fascinating and terrifying at the same time.

It wasn't long before you reached your destination. "Y/N, stay under cover and out of the direct fight. We don't want to lose our healer. Don't be stupid," Cap ordered to you as your part of the directions. "Protect the healer," Cap ordered the others. You tried not to roll your eyes. You could protect yourself.

Loki and the WitchlingWhere stories live. Discover now