Chapter 7

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He had tears in his eyes and hugged her neck. "Thank you." Amy froze before reaching her arms around Dipper hugging him close. They sat like that for a few minutes before footsteps were heard. Looking up Amy saw Bill walking up to her. Nodding, he gave her a smile. Bending down Bill lifted up into his arms, Amy standing up as well. "How about we go see your sister Pine Tree?" Dipper nodded tiredly against his shoulder. Feeling his forehead Bill felt the fever going down slightly. They all headed upstairs to go see what the older twin was up too.

Walking up to the door Bill gave a gentle knock. When they heard a voice sound saying to come in Bill opened the door walking inside.

"Bill! Dipper! Look I am making you guys sweaters!" Mabel explained excited showing them what she has got done so far. Bill raised an eyebrow and glanced towards Amy.

The mother lets out a laugh, "Mabel has a creative...passion. One of her many gifts is the time it takes her to make a sweater. She just loves making them for people." Said child smiled brightly up at them not even needing to look as she continued knitting.

"Is that so, well thank you, Mabel. I am sure they will be lovely when they are done." He told her as he walked up to the bed.

"So Mabel, I was thinking that a friend of Dipper's comes over today so you can meet her. She is your age and you might get along well."

Putting down the sweater she looked up, "really, who is she?"

"Her name is Pacifica Northwest, she and Dipper have been friends for a while now."

Amy perked up at that. "A Northwest? How on earth did you manage that? They have always been rich snobs have they not?"

The blonde laughed, "oh, don't get me wrong. When we first met she was the most stuck up, snobby, rude child there was. But she needs needed help with something and her dad made her hire Dipper. Some things happened near-death experiences yadda yadda yadda and here we are. They grew to become close friends. She is almost like another sister to Dipper. She is a lot better now, her parents though... far from it."

"I want to meet her! Any friend of Dippers is a friend of mine!" Bill almost laughed at how big her smile was but held back.

"Great, I will go pick her up. Dipper, stay here with Amy and your sister." He sat his son on the bed kissing his forehead. "I will be back in a bit."

With that, he poofed away as if he was never there.

"So Dipper" Amy started sitting next to the small boy. "Is Pacifica really a lot better now?"

"Yeah, 'cifica was mean before, but now she's really nice! She comes over here a lot too." He said smiling at the thought of his older 'sister' coming soon.

"That's cool, maybe we can go do something together." Mabel brought up thinking of ideas.

"Yeah." The conversation after that seemed to die out, yet it was a comfortable silence. It lasted for a little while until footsteps were heard running up the stairs and the door slammed open.

Stan stood there out of breath when he saw Dipper he ran over to the child and scooped him up before running back out.

"I'm-I'm so confused. What just happened?" Amy asked looking a little dazed. Mabel shrugged her shoulders.

It was at that moment Bill seemed to choose to pop back into the was standing next to a girl with long blonde hair.

"Ah, Pacifica. This is Mabel and this is- where's Dipper?" He asked when he looked up and saw his recovering son was not there.

"We don't even know. Stan ran in here, snatched him up and ran away." Bill seemed to adopt a look of annoyance. "I swear. It better not be that werewolf thing again. Pacifica, Mabel, and Amy. Mabel and Amy, Pacifica. Now stay here." The dream demon left in a flash.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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