Chapter 4

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The sun was shining through the blowing leaves. The weather was much better after yesterday's events. The Pines family and Bill walked slowly together along the path to town. As the walk continued an awkward silence seemed to settle around the. At least that was until Mabel had enough, she left her parents side and jogged up to stand near Dipper. Amy seemed like she was going to call out to Mabel, but stopped herself.

Dipper looked up as his sister came up next to him. "So...Dip what's your favorite game?" Mabel questioned hoping to start up a conversation.

Dipper looked confused for a moment before he seemed to think of a suitable answer. "" the tone, however, seemed more like another question than an actual answer.

"It's not a question, silly!" Mabel fake punched him making sure it was not too rough. "Don't you have a favorite game? Something you like to play?" Everyone had a favorite game, her brother had to like something.

Shaking his head gently Dipper answered "not really," looking towards his feet. Mabel nearly fell back in shock at the answer he gave her.

"What?! How could you not have a favorite game?! Everyone has a favorite game. Don't you do anything for fun?" Mabel seemed to have a look of shock. Though he did not like playing games the word 'fun' seemed to trigger something.

Dipper's eyes grew wide and a smile covered his face. "Of course I do! I look for monsters!" Bill and Stan smiled at Dipper, they knew that boy wouldn't go long without talking about monsters. This, however, seemed to worry John and Amy.

"Monsters, like real monsters." Dipper nodded shrinking back a bit. Fear that Mabel may think it was weird washing over him. However, Mabel soon stopped this thought process with a large grin. Want to go monster hunting then!?" Mabel asked jumping a bit into the air, filled with excitement.

Bill cut in then, "I am sure he would love too, but it will have to wait a bit. Right now he is sick though Mabel, maybe he can when he feels better. " He offered to the pre-teen hoping that answer suited her. Mabel seemed down for a moment before she perked back up. It wasn't as if the monsters would go anywhere. There was always another day.

"Sure! At least we will have something to look forward to! What do you say Dip Dop?" She asked. Bill grinned at seeing how well she was talking to his son. He knew this would be good, for Dipper and for him.

"Yeah, I can show you all the monsters that live around here." He answered excitedly with a slight bounce in his step. Bill hoped Dipper would overexert himself. Seeming to be satisfied with this answer Mabel continued walking beside them.

Up ahead they saw a little town appearing into their view. With an extra jump in their step, they continued on. Their destination only just ahead. Within minutes, they were walking under a wooden arch that read "Gravity Falls".

Mabel was looking around so fast trying to take everything in. Her head seemed to be almost spinning. Bill thought for a moment she may even give herself whiplash.

Stan put his hand on top of Mabel's head to hold it still for a moment. "Don't worry Mabel you will have plenty of time to look around. So stop whipping your head, you're going to make me dizzy." Bill laughed out at Stan's dizzy expression.

It was then a loud shout sounded around them. "Hey losers!" was all they heard. Turning towards the voice there was a redhead girl walking in their direction.

Dipper, Stan, and Bill seemed to recognize the girl waving at her. "Wendy!" Dipper shouted happily as the girl walked up to him.

"Hey squirt," Wendy ruffled his hat making it turn crooked. Dipper tried to seem angry at this, he fixed his hat before crossing his arms with a playful huff.

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