The smell of pancakes, eggs, and bacon entered the room. This had been enough to bring Bill out of the sweet embrace of slumber. With a slight groan, Bill sat and rubbed the tired out of his eyes. With another sniff he smiled, he smelled blueberry waffles, Dipper's favorite. Stan must have made them for Dipper to make him feel better after the events that happened yesterday.

Though the old make may act like he doesn't care and he is too tough to love Bill knew better. He knew he thought of Dipper as a grandson and would do anything for him. He had a feeling that this would also happen with Mabel too.

Speaking of Dipper, Bill looked down at his son and hissed out a tone of sympathy. Dipper appeared to be worse. His cheeks were flushed and there was a pained look on his face. He felt bad for having to wake up his son, but he needed food. While most demons do not require food babies and young children do. With Dipper having only lived for twelve human years he was still considered only a baby demon. This also explained why he was so much shorter and younger looking than his own twin.

With a gentle shake, Bill tried to wake up Dipper. His son didn't wake up, Bill laughed a bit at this. Dipper had always been hard to wake up. Bill swore that Dipper would be able to sleep through the end of the world.

"Pine Tree wake up bud." He said with another shake. Dipper only groaned and snuggled into his father's chest. Bill laughed at his son's actions.

"Pine Tree, Fez made you blueberry waffles," Bill said bribing the child.

"Hm? Waffles?" Dipper said in a half asleep state sitting up a bit looking around. Knowing this would wake him Bill burst out laughing, making Dipper wake up fully.

"Yeah, your favorite kind. So, let's go eat, but first, how are you feeling Pine Tree?" He asked feeling Dipper's forehead which had a rise slightly in temperature.

"My head and throat still hurt." He said rubbing the tired out of his eyes.

"We'll go out and buy medicine today. For now, let's go have some breakfast." Dipper smiled and nodded. Bill set him on the floor. After they folded the blanket up and laid it on the couch they went walked out of the living room heading towards the kitchen.

Once they walked in they Stan sitting on his chair reading the paper. Mabel had been sitting next to him eating a plate of pancakes. Looking around Bill saw John and Amy were not in the room. His face momentarily darkened before it returned to normal.

"Morning all!" He yelled in an energetic tone, startling Stan. The older man though would never admit to it.

"Yeah, yeah mornin' to you too, ya Dorito" Stan grumbled turning the page of his paper and straightening it out.

"Well aren't you just a ball of sunshine this morning?" Bill said in mocking tone. Stan would have flipped him off had there not been children in the room. So he settled for a glare.

"Morning Bill!" Mabel said around her pancake with a big syrupy smile.

"And a good morning to you Mabel. Enjoying the pancakes?" He asked rhetorically, the young girl nodded her head anyway. "That's good." Bill and Dipper walked across the room and sat on their chairs opposite from Mabel facing the doorway.

"What's wrong with the kid?" Stan asked looking at Dipper who was leaning against Bill with his eye lids drooping.

"He is sick, I think it was from what happened yesterday," Bill said stroking Dipper's hair.

"Huh, that's too bad." Stan looked over at Dipper. "Kid made you some blueberry waffles. Try to eat some." Stan prompted the child. Though he may not admit it he was worried about the boy he never really gets sick, but if he did all hell broke loose. For now, though, he looked like he was in an early state of a sickness.

"Thanks, Grunkle Stan," Dipper said quietly. Bill handed Dipper a plate with two waffles drenched in blueberry syrup. Looking not quite up to it Dipper started eating his food. By the time he was half way done with the first pancake he looked like he couldn't take anymore. He gently pushed the plate away and leaned against Bill.

Bill looked down at him with worry on his face. "Feeling okay Pine..." Bill started to ask but stopped when he saw who came into the room. John and Amy walked in silently and looking ashamed.

Dipper opened his eyes to see why Bill stopped talking when his eyes laid upon John and Amy. He admittedly froze before he began shaking.

"I don't want to go, dad. Don't let 'em take me." Dipper said holding onto Bills sleep shirt.

"Don't worry Pine Tree, I would never let that happen. Plus I think they have something they want to tell you." Bill said looking up at the two with a slight glare. It didn't help John nor Amy that Stan and even Mabel were also glaring at them.

"...Dipper?" John started but the boy didn't make a move to acknowledge them.

"Dipper we're sorry we never meant any of it. We spoke out of fear, we didn't think. It was stupid of us to think that Bill tainted of who, when it was really just the opposite." Amy told him.

"Please just give us one more chance. We won't screw it up. Please." John begged.

Dipper slowly raised his head. Looking at Bill then looking at them in the eyes. "You won't take me away from my dad?"

"No. we have seen he has treated you better than we could ever have hoped," Amy said smiling with prickles of tears in her eyes.

"Fine one last chance," Dipper said glaring at them before he laid his head back on Bill's shoulder.

Bill's eyes brightly lit up. "Why don't we all walk up town. The fresh air and exercise will do us some good. Plus I need to collect/buy items for Dipper's medicine." He said poking said the child in the stomach who only laughed in response from being so ticklish.

"I think that would be perfect," Amy said with a smile even though it had traces of guilt in it.

"I can get craft supplies!" Mabel said excitedly. She got up and ran out of the room to get dressed. You could almost see the glitter trailing the young girl. Bill and Stan looked at each other before laughing.

"I have nothing better to do today," Stan said once he was done laughing standing up to also get dressed.

"Come on Pine Tree," Bill said standing up and grabbing Dipper's hand leading him to his bedroom. Amy and John stayed to clean up from breakfast since they had already gotten dressed and had eaten food.

Only ten minutes later everyone was downstairs by the door ready to go off on their walk. It would not have taken as long, but Mabel had been searching for a certain sweater. Once they were all ready they all met downstairs.

"Everyone ready?" Bill asked. When everyone nodded he opened the door and they all walked out. Turning back Stan locked up before they all started walking.

Walking out of the 'parking lot' they headed into the dark forest ready to set off.

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