Chapter Six

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Authors Note: Apologies in advance for taking so long to update. I had to re-write this chapter a million times because the storyline was moving way too slowly (screeches at the slow moving romance). I am sorry but to move it along I've had to rush a whole storyline to get the ball rolling (you will notice when the POV changes half way through).... Here is the next chapter (DRUM ROLL PLEASE....)

Chapter Six

Samuels POV

I had nowhere to hide when the blonde and his girlfriend catch me stalking them. My instinct is to run away but a magnetic force much stronger than myself is keeping me captive. I cannot leave, I must stay. The blonde is studying my every move and fortunately, luck was on my side when I notice an elderly man, a complete stranger hovering down the corridor. I run over to him and call out "Grandpa, its Samuel, wait up. I've been looking for you, next time let me know where you are going", ensuring my words are loud enough for everyone in listening range to hear. The older man looks at me with confusion splattered all over his face and attempts to push me away. Ignoring his resistance, I place my arm around his fragile shoulder. I quickly glance back and let out a soft sigh when the hatred in the eyes at the end of the hallway start to soften at the sight of me and my 'grandfather'.

The old man finds the strength to push me away then scowls as he manoeuvres toward the cafeteria. I thank him for saving my butt then walk aimlessly in the direction I had just come from. An empty cubicle containing a single bed catches my eye so I slip behind the curtain to wait for Dane's visitors to leave. Making myself comfortable on the bed, I no longer ignore the tiredness that has taken over my mind and body. My eyes only have enough energy to close and before long, I am in darkness.

The sky is blue and the water is calm. I am glad that Chloe's best friend, Laura Hunter and her family invited us both to spend a weekend at their cabin near Lake Takaka with them. As Chloe drags me to the caravan selling cold drinks and donuts near the water, I cannot help but remind myself how happy I was. Mr Hunter suggested that we make the most of the day by taking the jet-ski onto the water. I jump at all opportunities to take my shirt off to impress the ladies so I run back to the cabin to change into my seductive swim wear. The reflection in the mirror was exactly the image I wanted to see, my short caramel hair falling flawlessly to one side, my skin-tight singlet exposing enough skin to reveal my defined arms, my shorts hugging my middle region perfectly. "Stop trying to hit on yourself Samuel", I squeal out loud.

I make my way to the shoreline and Mr Hunter calls out to all of us as he takes a camera from his backpack. 'Say Cheese' and we all put in our best efforts to impress the camera. Chloe and Laura insist that we all have a sandcastle competition but I lose interest when I see a couple of babes planting themselves on the sand a few steps away. My singlet feels like it is suffocating me so I casually remove it. The brunette waves a bottle of sun tanning lotion and winks as she rolls onto her flat belly. I immediately dart over to the dark haired beauty and massage the coconut scented lotion into her smooth golden skin. Naughty thoughts run through my head as the girls discuss the previous night's events involving bottles of wine and a hot tub.

Mr Hunter comes over and grabs the scruff of my neck, embarrassing the shit out of me as he guides me back to Chloe and Laura. "Sit and behave" he demands and I shyly chuckle. Mr Hunter is waxing the last bit of the jet-ski when I take a glimpse over at my new friends. They both wave and send flirtatious smiles my way.

"Wake up sir, hello, wake up", I am woken by an older lady smelling of sweaty musk. "Are you a patient here?" she asked. I shook my disorientated head and try to focus my vision as the lady pushes my exhausted body off the bed. "This bed is for patients only and I would appreciate if you left before I call security." she yells as her beady eyes force me out of the room. When I realise what is going on around me, I casually walk towards the room. The door is closed so I am unable to work out if anyone is with Dane.

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