Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Samuel's POV

'Lost' was an understatement when it came to describing how I felt at present. Ms Daniels had pulled me aside to question my absence from school over the past few days but the only response I had was a simple shrug of the shoulders. She showed genuine concern as she placed one hand on my shoulder, explaining that she is available if I need someone to talk to. The offer was tempting but I knew this was something that I would need to figure out on my own. Handing me an outline of the music assignment, she smiled once again and gave me permission to go back to practicing on the drum kit.

As I moved into the empty passage, I notice a familiar figure dash through the door and make a bee line towards Ms Daniels - it was the girl that was hanging off the blonde's arm at the hospital. I had never seen this girl in the Music Suite before so I instantly become curious at her motives. As she approaches Ms Daniels, I place myself within listening range to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Hi, I'm Lexi. Are you Ms Daniels?"

"Yes I am, how can I help you?" Ms Daniel's replies

"I am Dane Kendall's friend and he asked me to stop by to see if there is anything he has fallen behind in while he has been absent from school."

"O yes, Dane", Ms Daniel pauses for a moment. "I am very sorry to hear about what he has been through. I hear that he is very lucky to be where he is today considering the brutal beating he received. The streets of L.A. are very dangerous and I hope Dane is getting better. I did leave a couple of messages on his phone but I haven't heard from him. How is he doing?"

"Well, he is doing okay considering the trauma that he has been through. He was released from hospital and I am trying my best to take care of him as much as I can but I can only spend maybe an hour or so with him a day. His host family, I mean, my boyfriend's family are away at a family funeral so unfortunately he spends most of the day on his own.. I hope they catch the beast that did this to him."

"Justice will eventually be served, dear. Has he been able to provide a description of the person?"

At this point, I tune out of the conversation as I did not want to hear this girl describe... well ME. I walk over to a secluded part of the Music Suite and sit down for a moment to calm myself down. I recall my fourth visit to the hospital, the colour in his face was returning and I knew it wouldn't be long before he woke up. Thinking back, I never gave much thought to what would happen when he left the hospital. I just presumed that he would have family and friends that would welcome him home with open arms but knowing he was home alone was killing me. A pang of jealousy rushed through my body at the thought of this Lexi girl taking the right of caring for him in his host family's absence. When my mood returned to as normal as can be, I walk back to the studio and try to carry on with today's lesson.

When the bell sounded, I throw my books into my bag and head toward the door. Ms Daniels appears at the corner of my eye and she looks a tad bit frustrated.

"Are you okay Ms Daniels" I genuinely ask

"I was too involved in a conversation with a young lady earlier that I completely forgot to give her a stack of books that she came to collect for a friend".

I immediately become interested and excitement takes over my body. The little boy inside of me is screaming 'pick me, pick me - I'll do it'. My thumb makes my way to the bottom of my chin and I start to think. If I offer to drop the books off, there is a chance that he will recognise me and then call the cops. I may not be thinking straight but I need to see him. I need him to know how sorry I am and to give him my word that I will never try anything like that again. Every bone in my body is aching to see him but a little bird on my shoulder is telling me not to do it.

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